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What You Need to Share the Bible with Kids: Point Two – Prayerfulness, Part One

Post 4 Ps Prayer Part OneLearn how to share the Bible with kids effectively by implementing The Scripture Lady’s four “peas” of importance.

I have two daughters and both are very different.

Here is an age-old dilemma for every parent – If all my children were raised under the same roof and by the same parents, how can they all be so different? I think the simple answer to this question is because that’s the way God made them. Psalm 139:14 says that “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Each of us has been uniquely created by our heavenly Father and while we all possess similar qualities and temperaments we are also very different.

Your Christian classrooms are made up of a potpourri of unique children and each classroom is unique from other classrooms simply because you are their teacher. What God may lead you to teach your class of children may be quite different than the classroom down the hall or the home across the street.

Because of the unique qualities of you and the children you serve, the next “P” you need to implement when sharing God’s Word is prayerfulness. Praying for God’s direction in how and what to share from the Bible is an important element in sharing the Bible with the kids you minister to. I believe God has a plan for your classroom whether in your church, school or home. It is up to you to pray for God to reveal that plan in His time and in His way. Let me give you an example of this in action.

When our oldest daughter turned 4 years old, I began seriously thinking about her schooling. I personally loved school. I was a good student and was able to excel in public school. But the question I had was , “Would my children be successful also?” It was at this time I began hearing about homeschooling as another option for our girls’ education. The Lord was giving me an excitement to branch off into this new territory and my husband and I committed to homeschooling our daughters. I soon found out that the commitment was the easy part.

As I entered the world of homeschooling, people started asking me how I was going to do it and what approach was I going to take. Was I going to concentrate heavily on academics or was I going to be more laid back and let the girls learn more from their surroundings. There were actually several options and there were pros and cons to all of them.

As I was contemplating what would be our homeschooling method I had to consider our daughters’ learning styles as well as who I was as a teacher. Feeling a little confused and overwhelmed by all of this, I decided to pray and ask God to give me the method or focus for our family’s homeschooling adventure. Soon it became very clear what God wanted me to do.

In a nutshell, our method was the following: find what my daughters loved to do, expand on this interest and help them learn to make a living at it.

I felt so relieved! I now had God’s plan for my children’s education. Over the years whenever I started to deviate from this focus, God would bring me back. Today, both daughters are very successful at what they love to do and make a living at it.

This example can easily apply to the biblical training of your children. Sure, you may have to use a certain curriculum at your church, but what is the overlying message God has to share with the kids He has strategically placed within your care? What does He want your focus to be and what methods does He want you to use?

We will discuss the answer to this question in the next article “Point Two – Prayerfulness, Part Two.”
Click HERE for “Pea Number One – Passion, Part One”

Click HERE for “Pea Number One – Passion, Part Two”

Click HERE for “Pea Number One – Passion, Part Three”
If you are interested, you might want to check out one of my very favorite books by Henrietta Mears, the creator of Gospel Light Publications:

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“Let us throw off everything that hinders us and the sin that so easily entangles us an let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”

Hebrews 12:1

(Click here for a sample of this Bible verse song.)

The Scripture Lady