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Scripture Lady’s Bible Song Program: God Made Me Special

Invite the Scripture Lady to present her preschool Bible song program “God Made Me Special” – a fun Scripture-filled musical presentation for young hearts.

It is never too early to tell your young children that it is God who made them. And not only did God create them and give them life, but He made each and every one very special!

Let the Scripture Lady come and share this profound truth with your preschoolers. “God Made Me Special” is full of lively Bible verse songs, Bible skits and games all designed to get your little ones knowing that “God made me special!”

Here is a quick outline of the program:

Bible Verse Song #1: Acts 17:28 – “In Him we live and move and have our being.”

Teaching Point #1: God made us special by giving each of us talents or activities we are really good at.

Bible Skit: “Children Around the World” – Kathy introduces 5 of her “special friends” from all over the world. These colorful stick puppets delight the children as they learn each of their names and where they are from. For example, Pablo is from Brazil and speaks Spanish. Pablo’s talent is playing soccer. Ingrid is from Sweden and speaks Swedish. Ingrid’s talent is planting tulips in her garden…

Bible Skit/Game: “The Telephone Skit” – Next, your preschoolers will be taught that God has given talents to different community helpers in their neighborhoods such as the policeman, doctor and teacher. Through a clever and creative Power Point presentation, the children are invited to guess who the community helper is as they see picture clues. After guessing the correct helper, the telephone rings and they receive a “call” from each neighbor.

Teaching Point #2: The second way that God has made us special is by giving us His strength.

Bible Verse Song #2: God wants our bodies to be strong, our minds to be strong and our hearts to be strong. He knows that when we let Him make us strong, we can live for Him all the days of our lives. The Scripture Lady sings this truth with her Bible verse song called, Heart Free from (Psalm 119:28, 32).

Bible Song/Game: “Won’t You Tell Me Now” – One great way to have strong minds is to read the Bible and learn all the great stories and characters of the Bible. Kathy introduces her newest song, Wont You Tell Me Now? This is another Power Point presentation which creatively introduces some of the most beloved Bible characters such as Adam and Eve, Noah, Jacob and Joseph.

Watch this sample video of “Won’t You Tell Me Now.”

Teaching Point #3: The third way that God has made us special is by giving us His love.

A Scripture Lady Hymn: “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands” – One of the biggest truths our preschoolers can learn is that God will never leave them or forsake them. He has them in the palm of His hands. In fact, He’s got the whole world in His hands! So this is a perfect time for everyone to sing along with the old classic song,“He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands”

Bible Skit: “The Heart Box” – At this point, Kathy pulls out her “Heart Box.” This “Heart Box” tells who God Loves. One at a time, a child is invited to come to the front and look inside the box to see their reflection and are reminded that Jesus loves them very much. This is always a hit with the little ones!

A Scripture Lady Hymn: “Oh, How I Love Jesus!” – Finally, at the end of the program, The Scripture Lady encourages everyone to sing, Oh How I Love Jesus as a way to say, “Thank you” for making each of us very special. I hope this outline is helpful and will help you decide to book your program today of “God Made Me Special!”

“God Made Me Special!” can last from 30 to 45 minutes

depending on your time constraints. 

It is appropriate for children ages 2 through 6.

To book your program, contact

Kathy Vincent at 714-331-7192 or email her at

[email protected].





* A clear and accurate presentation of the Bible for preschoolers.

* Easy to remember Bible songs for kids

accompanied by fun and appropriate moves.

 * Loads of props and visuals to keep ALL the children focused and attentive.

 * A visually colorful and inviting stage setup.

 * Total audience participation.

 * And LOTS of fun!




“Strengthen me according to Your Word. I run in the path of Your commands for You have set my heart free.”

Psalm 119:28 and 32

(Click HERE for a sample of this Bible Verse Song.)

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The Scripture Lady