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The Bronze Serpent: A Bible Game for Numbers 21:6-9

The Bible story of “The Bronze Serpent” found in Numbers 21:6-9 is one of the most interesting stories of the Bible. Play this really fun Bible game to help your kids learn the truth from this story that Jesus is the only One who can save us.

Need a great story from the Bible for the October season? Share “The Bronze Serpent” from Numbers 21:6-9 that showcases the children of Israel, a bunch of snakes and God’s holy discipline. This story will teach your kids that God does not want His children messing around with sin and that sin ALWAYS has devastating consequences. But Praise the Lord! God has provided a way of salvation from our sin through His Son Jesus Christ.

The Bible story of “The Bronze Serpent” comes right after the children of Israel were complaining about the conditions of being in the desert.

Here’s what they said against God and Moses: “Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no [h]food and no water, and [i]we loathe this miserable food.”

Yikes! That’s some pretty hard core complaining! Did the children of Israel have reason for complaining? Absolutely not! God had not left them to be orphans in the desert. God had taken care of every one of their needs. So why the complaints? The bottom line is this – they wanted more and were not content with God’s will for their lives.

Ouch! I think if we are all honest, there are days when we complain to God and are not content with where He has us.

God is always good and always does what is best for us. Therefore, we NEVER have reason to complain, but every reason to submit our wills to His will.

God had to discipline the children of Israel and He did so, harshly. The story of “The Bronze Serpent” is the story of His discipline and the seriousness of His peoples’ sin. But this story is also a story of God’s gracious redemption and a picture of how He would one day raise His one and only Son up on a cross for the forgiveness of the sin of those who looked upon Him for their salvation.

Of course, you can play this game at any time, but I do think it works really nicely during the October season. A snake is a common October icon. So, why not take this icon and use it to give a biblical message that can really impact your kids.

How to play “The Bronze Serpent” Bible Game:

For this game you will need to purchase 2 “pool noodles” through which marbles can shoot through the long holes. You might want to decorate the noodles to make them look like snakes. You will also need to gather about one dozen marbles for each team. Finally, you will need two sets of bowls for each team. One bowl will hold the marbles for each team and the other bowl will “catch” the marbles that are shot through.

Pick a child from each team to be the marble holders. Tell the children that the marble represents an eye because God had the children of Israel look at the serpent in order to be saved. Have them stand on opposite sides of the room. Pick two other kids, one from each team to be the runners for the marbles. Have them stand by you and be equidistant from their teammates. There should be a bowl at each of their feet and they should each be holding a “noodle” snake.

Read the first part of the Bible story about the bronze serpent. Then, on the word “Go!” the kids with the snakes will run over to their teammates holding the marbles and choose only one marble. They will then run back to their bowls and push the marble through the noodle and wait for it to drop into the bowl. They get to run as many times as they can to get a new marble within the time frame you give them such as 10 to 30 seconds. When time is up, add up the marbles in each bowl and have someone keep score. Play this same way after reading each portion of the story. Whoever has the most marbles at the end of the game, wins.

Bible Story Slides for The Bronze Serpent

Slide 1

Slide 2

Slide 3

Slide 4

Slide 5

Slide 6

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