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The Scripture Lady’s Preschool Chapel Line up for 2019-20

Take a look at The Scripture Lady’s Preschool Chapel Line up for 2019-20 designed to share Jesus and the Bible with your little ones.

The Scripture Lady’s Preschool Chapel Line up for 2019-20 showcases 9 musical Bible programs filled with creative ways to introduce the Bible to preschoolers. Through the use of catchy Bible songs, Bible games, puppetry and surprise-filled object lessons, your children will grow in their knowledge of Jesus and His Word.

A Scripture Lady program lasts approximately 40 minutes. I create a fun and visually exciting “stage” area designed to captivate your kids from the beginning to the end of the presentation. Along with a Power Point presentation, I bring in lots of other props and eye-catching goodies to share the Bible and the love of Jesus.

Take a look at this compilation video from some of my preschools:

Below, you will find a quick synopsis of each Bible program.

The Scripture Lady’s Preschool Chapel Line up for 2019-20

September – The Children who Crossed the Red Sea

I am so excited to debut this brand new program all about the story of how God used Moses to set His children free from Egypt. This is a program that has been on my heart to write for the past few years. I have always had a great love and respect for God’s chosen people – the Jewish people – and I look forward to introducing this story to preschoolers.

The Children who Crossed the Red Sea will definitely showcase some Jewish flavored music. They will learn about how Moses was sent by God to Pharaoh to demand that the Jewish people be set free from their slavery in Egypt so that they can worship the one true God.

From the story of God speaking to Moses in the burning bush to the parting of the Red Sea, your children will learn about God’s great power.

Here’s a sample of the moves to the “Hallelujah” song I will share:

October – Jesus is the Light of the World

I LOVE writing Bible programs for the month of October. While many around us make candy, king, you can bless your children with a chapel that tells about the King of kings – Jesus.

“Halloween” can end up being a dark and scary time for preschoolers. Therefore, it’s very important that you fill their hearts and minds with the light of God’s Word and the true Light of the World – Jesus.

This program will creatively share “light” verses found in the Bible, such as Psalm 119:105, which says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” John 8:12 is another great “light” verse, which says, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Here’s a sample of the moves to the “Lamp and Light” song I will share:

November – Thank You, God, for EVERYTHING!

Preschoolers are learning to be thankful. As Christian teachers and parents, we want them to be thankful to God, the Giver of all good gifts.

This program will teach your little ones to be thankful on the good days and the days that are not so good.

Through a fun Bible game, they will learn from King David that He was often thankful for such things as God’s beautiful world that He made and for the ability to praise God.

They will also learn from a farmer in the book of Habakkuk that whether things go right or things go wrong, they can still be thankful to God all day long.

Here’s a sample of the moves to the “Habakkuk Farmer” song I will share:

December – O Come Let Us Adore Him

Preschoolers love Christmas time! It’s important that that they learn the true reason for Christmas which is celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

O Come Let Us Adore Him will creatively share the true Christmas story through creative songs such as Scripture Granny’s tune of “Count Your Blessings” teaching your children that all of God’s gifts to us are great blessings.

The “Christmas Quilt” song will help the kids learn the different parts of the Christmas story.

Here’s a sample of the moves to the “Christmas Quilt” song I will share:

There will also be a fun Christmas Bible game along with appearances from “Jack and Jill” and “Scruffy.”

Here’s a sample of “Scruffy” in action:

January – God Made Me Special

Psalm 139:14 says this: “I am fearfully and wonderfully made; I know that full well.” This is a great verse and one your preschoolers should know and memorize.

During this Bible program, your little ones will learn that God made each of them special by giving them different talents. They will learn this from other children around the world whom God has also blessed such as “Pablo” from Brazil who is really good at playing soccer.

They will also learn that God has made them special by giving them the ability to learn His Word, the Bible and they will learn they are special because God loves them!

Here’s a sample of the moves to the “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made” song I will share:

February – Love Notes from God

Did you know that the Bible is God’s love note to us? It’s true! And your preschoolers should be learning the importance of God’s Word even at their young age. The month of February is a perfect opportunity to share a chapel that lifts up the Bible and its truth.

Your children will learn from the Bible that God loves them from the sweet song, “He Loves Me.” They will learn from “Scruffy” that God wants to set their hearts free from sin so that they can worship God and His Son Jesus. And they will also learn that God wants them to be “clothed in His love” from a fun Bible game they will play.

Here’s a sample of the moves to the “He Loves Me” song I will share:

March – Let’s Learn the Gospel

Have you introduced your preschoolers to the gospel of Jesus Christ? Some might say, “They are too young to hear the gospel.” But I disagree. I believe young children should appropriately hear the main points of the gospel so that they grow up hearing about it and are then able to make a decision for Christ as their Savior, hopefully sooner than later.

Through fun songs, puppetry and Bible games, your preschoolers will be introduced to these main points of the gospel:

* God loves you and wants you to live with Him forever.

* You are a sinner. This means you sometimes think, say or do wrong things that make God unhappy.

* You cannot get rid of your sin.

* Only Jesus can get rid of your sin.

* Jesus died upon the cross to take away your sin.

* Jesus rose from the dead and is alive.

* When you believe in Jesus, He will take away your sin.

* When you believe in Jesus, He will fill you with His power to live for Him both now and forever.

Here’s a sample of the moves to the “Gospel Cube” song I will share:

April – Jesus is the Lamb of God

I love Easter because it is the perfect time to really share the gospel of Jesus Christ with your children. While the world focuses on bunnies and eggs and basketfuls of candy, make sure you are giving your little ones a healthy dose of the true meaning of Easter.

Jesus is the Lamb of God will focus on how much Jesus loves your children. Jesus is called the “Lamb of God” to show us a picture of the sacrifice He gave for each one of us on the cross.

Learning about the cross at Easter time should be taught appropriately to our little ones, not ignored. Through creative songs, Bible games, puppetry and surprising object lessons, they will be carefully introduced to the truth that Jesus died for them. He was like a spotless lamb and completely clean. Jesus never sinned, but He willingly became sin for us so that our sin could be forgiven.

Here’s a sample of the moves to the “Crown Him with Many Crowns” song I will share:

May – Birds of a Feather: Learning About Birds in the Bible

This is a chapel that I have wanted to do for a few years and am finally getting around to it. Believe it or not, there are quite a few stories in the Bible that showcase birds.

One of my favorite bird stories is when Elisha was fed bread and meat by the raven birds after running away from King Ahaz. It’s a great story and one your kids will love!

And of course, there is the beautiful story of when God, the Holy Spirit descended down on Jesus like a dove when He was baptized. That must have been amazing to witness and I will share this story using some Bible Story Sticks.

These area just a couple of Bible stories your preschoolers will get to hear during this fun and “flighty” program.

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