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Let Us Pray Bible Video Lessons for Week Six

Let Us Pray Bible video lessons for week six will teach your children the importance of praying to Jesus through creative songs, games and puppetry.

Let Us Pray Bible video lessons will help your children grow in their knowledge about prayer. From the first video which showcases the song “Let Us Pray,” which shares 4 ways to pray to God, to the last video where Scripture Granny and her dog, Scooter, teach about prayer, your children will prayerfully be encouraged to pray.

Prayer is eternally important. Just as we breathe, so we should pray. Prayer is a spiritual discipline that we should begin teaching our children from the very first days of their lives. As their caretakers, we need to set the example of how important it is to pray to our Creator who loves us very much.

You will have access to these FREE Bible Videos beginning Friday, April 24th at 7am (PST) via an email you will receive if you have subscribed.

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IMPORTANT: The 8 weeks began on Friday, March 20, 2020. You may sign up at anytime over the next 8 weeks (at least), but you will only get free access to the current week of lessons and the following weeks after your sign up date. You will not be able to access previous weeks of lessons.

You will only have access to what is on the page for the week’s Bible lesson.

Take a sneak peak at the creative ideas that will be showcased in Week Six’s videos:

“Let Us Pray!”

“Let Us Pray” is a catchy tune that shares 4 ways to pray based on the acrostic of “A-C-T-S.” The “ACTS” of prayer is a great way to help you and your children remember to pray prayers of adoration, confession, thanksgiving and supplication.

Psalm 55:17 says this: “I will pray morning, noon and night and he will hear and answer.” (TLB) “Cousin” Pollyanne shares this Bible verse with your children with her southern twang and southern hospitality.

One of my favorite stories in the Bible about prayer is when Daniel prayed to God to save him from the lions’ den. “Daniel Prayed and Prayed” is a fun “Bible Beat” song with a bit of  a “rap” feel that your kids will love singing along to in this video of a LIVE performance at one of the preschools I often share.

I am so excited to share my second interactive game. This game is for your young children and will introduce the Lord’s Prayer to them. Your child will be able to pick pictures that illustrate the different parts of the Lord’s Prayer by clicking their mouse or actually touching their screen.

Do your kids know what a prayer closet is? Probably not. But through this creative Bible object lesson, your kids will learn that they can pray anywhere, even inside a closet! It doesn’t matter where you pray. It only matters that you are taking to time to share your heart and mind with Jesus.

Scripture Granny and her dog Scooter are ready to teach your children that they can pray to Jesus. Scooter will use some of his favorite treats to teach this truth. So, get ready for a bark or two!

Here is a fun and simple coloring page that shares Psalm 55:17, which says: “I will pray morning, noon and night and he will hear and answer.” (TLB)

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The Scripture Lady