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Clowning Around With Memory Verses: A Super Bible Memory Verse Game for Your Preschoolers

Preschoolers are like big sponges just waiting to soak up all the learning they can, without really knowing they’re being educated, of course!  Early childhood is a great time for memorizing lots of great things like colors, numbers, letters and…Bible verses.  If you are ever standing within my earshot, don’t EVER let me hear you say that a preschooler can’t memorize Scriptures!  I will definitely take you to task.  So how do you get your little ones to remember God’s amazing Word?  By clowning around of course!

Here’s a fun and simple Bible memory verse game that your little ones will ask more of once you’ve played it once.  It only takes a little preparation and works with any Bible verse you are helping your group learn.

Here’s what you do: Make 2 sets of clown features out of colorful construction paper.  For example, cut out 4 goofy looking eyes, 2 big red noses, 2 funny clown mouths, 4 big ears and 2 tufts of hair for the top of his (or her) head.  Make them as big as you like.  I made mine so that fit nicely on a pocket chart.  Laminate all of the pieces for long-term use.  Display one clown face on one side of the pocket chart as a reference for the children.  Place the other set of pieces in a colorful bag or bucket from which the children will grab.

You are now ready to go over your Bible verse.  For preschoolers, make sure you pick a verse that is not too long.  It’s true that they can memorize, but they are not ready for the Gettysburg Address!  Say the Bible verse over and over several times.  Now explain that you are going to create a funny clown just like the one on the chart and add to his face every time the class says the verse correctly.

Proceed to have the class say the Bible verse together.  If they say it correctly, have one child come up and pick a piece from the bucket or bag.  Have him put it on the pocket chart in the same area that the twin piece was put, but on the other side of the chart.  Have the class continue this process until the new clown face has been created.  Start all over again, if there are still children who did not get a turn.  Place all the pieces in a Ziploc bag when you are not using them.

Happy memorizing!

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