Vacation Bible School ideas are great for elementary kids ! Here is one called “Bag o’ Bible Trivia.”
For many of my subscribers, VBS is just around the corner. It can be such an incredible week of fun, excitement and spiritual growth for all who are involved. Hopefully, if you’ve been getting my E-mail Kid Tips for awhile now, you’ll be able to implement some of the fun games I have given you. Many of the games I give you can easily be used as time fillers. We all know some kids can get finished with their projects before others or maybe your group isn’t quite ready to move on to the next scheduled event. These are the perfect times to whip out one of my vacation Bible school ideas for elementary kids.
Vacation Bible School ideas for elementary kids will make your VBS even more special and for this one you will need to do the following:
This game can be transported around very easily. I call it Miss Kathy’s Bag o’ Bible Trivia. (Feel free to change it to your name, of course.) For this game you will need two bags or buckets. Choose what works best for you. In one bag, place a deck of cards. In the other bag, place some index cards that contain some Bible trivia questions. Two great books for Bible trivia are The Big Book of Bible Trivia by In Celebration Publishers and The Big Book of Time Fillers (Big Books)
by Gospel Light Publishers. I highly recommend you own both of them if possible. The first book offers trivia questions in the form of multiple choice and the second gives just straight questions the children must answer.
Once you have both of your bags ready to go, divide your kids into 2 teams. Have 2 kids from the first team come up to the “Deck of Cards” bag. Have each child pick out one card. Tell the kids they can earn points for their team in the following way:
If two number cards are picked, multiply. Ex. 9 x 8 = 72
A number card plus a Jack, add 20 to the number card. Ex. 2 + 20 = 22
A number card plus a Queen, add 30 to the number card. Ex. 4 + 30 = 34
A number card plus a King, add 40 to the number card. Ex. 6 + 40 = 46
A number card plus an Ace, add 50 to the number card. Ex. 3 + 50 = 53
If two face cards are chosen, the team can earn 100 points
If a Joker is chosen, the team loses their turn.
After the 2 children have picked from the “Deck of Cards” bag, have one of them pick a card from the “Trivia” bag. Read the question out loud The 2 kids can consult on the answer. If they get it right, they get the number of points they picked. If the answer was wrong, the points go to the other team! Simple, easy, loads of fun!
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