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Scripture Lady’s Bible Verse Games: 5…4…3…2…1 – Learning Psalm 100:3


The Scripture Lady loves creating Bible verse games for kids! Here is one called “5…4…3…2…1” to help learn Psalm 100:3.

Did you know that there are 5 things God wants us to know according to Psalm 100:3?  Here’s the verse: “Know that the Lord is God.  It is He who made us and we are His.  We are His people, the sheep of His pasture.”

Now let’s break it down.  The first thing God wants us to know is that the Lord is God.  There is no other god.  The Lord deserves all our praise and worship.  Second, God wants us to know that He made us.  We didn’t evolve from some oozing mud eons ago.  Thirdly, God wants us to know that we are His.  We belong to Him and we were bought at the price of His life.  Fourthly, God wants us to know that we are His people.  In fact, calls those of us who believe in Him, His children.  Lastly, God wants us to know that we are like sheep in His pasture.  Jesus is the Good Shepherd and will always take care of all our needs.

So now you know the 5 things God wants us to know.  Now you can play “5…4…3…2…1.”

Bible verse games will help your kids hide God’s Word in their hearts and for this one you will need to do the following:

You will need to prepare 5 large dice from 8-inch or 9-inch cube boxes.  I get my boxes from a local “mom and pop” box store.  Label each side of all 5 dice with the numbers 1-6 just like normal dice.  You are now ready to play the game.

Divide your class into 2 teams.  Introduce Psalm 100:3 to the class and explain the 5 things God wants them to know as I wrote above.  Have the class recite the verse several times, coaching them that they need to memorize the verse as quickly as possible to help their team earn points.

Once the children feel like they have a handle on the verse, ask the first child to come forward.  He must say the verse correctly.  If he does, he earns the right to throw all 5 dice.  The numbers are added up and kept by a scorekeeper.  The same child now rolls 4 of the dice and tallies up those points.  Next, he rolls 3 dice and adds those points to the total score.  He then rolls 2 dice, then one die and adds up his total amount.  His turn is ended and the next team gets to try.  Play until all have had at least one chance at saying the verse.  The team with the highest total number of points at the end of the game wins.

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“Know that the Lord is God. It is He who made us and we are His. We are His people, the sheep of His pasture.”

Psalm 100:3

(Click here for a sample of this Bible verse song.)


The Scripture Lady