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Who Does God Love?: A Preschool Bible Lesson for Valentines Day

A preschool Bible lesson for Valentines Day is great for your little ones! Here is one called “Who Does God Love?”

Valentine’s Day is almost here and I have a VERY fun idea for you to try with your little ones that will assure each one of them that God Loves Them! I use this idea in my “God Loves You” program and the kids think it’s grand.

This preschool Bible lesson for Valentines Day is easy and you will need to do the following:

Simply get a nice heart shaped box – they are everywhere right now – and a piece of mirror that will fit nicely inside. Michael’s craft/art store or other similar stores will have the mirrors in all different shapes and sizes. Safely secure the mirror inside the box.

When you have the children’s attention, tell them you have something very special you want to show them. Say that you have something that will tell them who God loves. Ask them if they would like to know who God loves. Of course, they will all shout out, “Yes!” Then proceed to have each child come up one by one. Have them stand facing the audience or other children. Take the lid off the box and have them “look inside to see who God loves”. Most children will get a big grin on their face when they see themselves in the mirror. You then ask, “Who does God love?” They will say, “ME!” Place the lid back on the box and have the child sit down. Pick another child to come up to do the same. If you keep the mirror hidden from the rest of the children, the effect is much more fun. You and your kids will have lots of fun with this heartfelt activity!

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“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God.”

1 John 3:1

The Scripture Lady