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Teach Your Preschoolers that Jesus Washed the Disciples’ Feet – A Preschool Activity

Teach your preschoolers that Jesus washed the disciples’ feet to help them learn that Jesus came to earth to serve and love people. This preschool activity will be great for any Christian classroom or home.

With this preschool activity, you can teach your preschoolers that Jesus washed the disciples’ feet in a fun and memorable way with great visuals and a little imagination. I created this activity to share during this past Easter season. The church that I was teaching at wanted me to share the story of Jesus washing the feet of the disciples in a creative way. So what did I do? I pulled out my fun visuals for all 12 disciples, 2 Bible hats, one wooden bowl, some water, a towel and a clay jar. This is all I needed for a fun and engaging activity for the little ones.

Today, I am sharing with you how to play this activity that will teach your preschoolers that Jesus washed the disciples’ feet.

What you will need to play this activity:

Pictures of all 12 Disciples

One or two Bible hats – Watch the following short video clip to learn how to make a simple and quick Bible hat.

One wooden bowl – It doesn’t have to be wooden. I just chose a wood bowl to make it more realistic for Bible times.

A clay jar filled with water – Once again, it doesn’t have to be clay. But it’s good to always try and find props that fit the times of the Bible.

A towel, for “wiping” the children’s feet

A copy of the following simple song put to the tune of “Mary Had a Little Lamb.”

Jesus washed the disciples’ feet

The disciples’ feet

The disciples’ feet

Jesus washed the disciples’ feet

To show that He came to serve

How to play and teach your preschoolers that Jesus washed the disciples’ feet:

First, open up your children’s Bible to the story of when Jesus washed the feet of the disciples and read the story.

Next, show the pictures that you gathered of the 12 disciples and say their names to the children. Let the children repeat the names back to you.

You, the teacher, will pretend to be Jesus. You will show the children the bowl and jar of water. Tell the children that you are going to pretend to be Jesus and say something like this, “You are my very good friends. You are my disciples. To show you that I love you and that I have come to serve you, I am going to wash your feet. Who will be the first disciple to have their feet washed?”

At this point, pull out the Bible hat or hats that you created and ask a child to come forward and pretend to be one of the disciples. You could hold all the pictures in your hand and let them choose which disciple they’d like to be.

As Jesus, pour a little water in the bowl and pretend to wash the child’s feet. If you like, you might have them take their shoes and socks off to make it a bit more fun, but pretending will work fine, too. Then take the towel and pretend to wipe the child’s feet.

Finally, have all the children sing the little song with you as given above.

Continue this form of play until all children have had a chance to participate.

Want a song that will teach your kids the names of the 12 disciples?

Take a look at this sample video of the song called “12 Friends”:

Click HERE to purchase this downloadable song and video for only $2.49.

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