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Solomon’s Measuring Stick: Vacation Bible School Ideas for Elementary Kids

Vacation Bible School ideas are great for elementary kids ! Here is one called “Solomon’s Measuring Stick.”

When God asked Solomon to build the temple, He gave very specific instructions, many of which included precise measurements.  Why not have some measuring fun with your kids with this fun and easy Vacation Bible School activity?  It only requires a yard stick.

You can play this activity with just  one or a few kids or you could break up a larger group of kids into 2 teams.  Show the kids your yardstick and talk a little bit about Solomon and the responsibilities he had in making God’s temple.  Then tell them that you are going to test their measuring abilities.  Proceed to show them some measure on the stick such as 10 inches.  Ask a child if he can “eyeball” something in the room that he believes is about 10 inches long.  Once he has chosen the object, take the yardstick up to the object and measure it.  If the object is less than or greater than 10 inches by a difference of 5 inches, then reward the child with some small prize such as a sticker or a penny.  If you are playing with teams, the team that is closest to the measure given, gets 100 points.

Change the measurement each time and different objects should be picked as much as possible.  Have fun!

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