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Following Directions: Vacation Bible School Ideas for Elementary Kids

Vacation Bible School ideas are great for elementary kids ! Here is one called “Following Directions.”

1)  Hop on one foot to the door.  2)  Turn around five times. 3)  Sing the first verse of Jesus Loves Me.

Here is just one set of fun directions you can give your kids while waiting for the next VBS activity on the list.

Vacation Bible School ideas for elementary kids will make your VBS even more special and for this one you will need to do the following:

Below, you will find a link to a set of cards with other directions.  I tried to make them as generic as possible, but feel free to make any necessary changes to fit your situation.  I suggest you place the cards in a bucket or hat and have a child pick one out and perform the directions.  You will read the directions to the child just once.  So tell him beforehand that he must listen very carefully.  After you read the directions, have the child perform them.  Have him return to you and then read the directions a second time to see if he performed each one correctly and in order.  If he did, you might want to reward him with some kind of treat.  Have fun!

Following Directions:  Vacation Bible School Ideas for Elementary Kids

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“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God.”

1 John 3:1

The Scripture Lady