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Mercy Flowers – A Fun Bible Object Lesson for Your Kids

Psalm 52:8 says this: “I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever.”  God’s mercy can be described in many different ways.  For example, His mercy is tender.  His mercy is great.  His mercy never fails and most importantly, His mercy is undeserving by sinners such as you and I. Here is a fun Bible object lesson to help your kids learn this truth.

Here’s what you do:

The object you will use for this lesson will be a bouquet of 4 different flowers – one yellow, one red, one purple and one orange.

Ask the following questions to help stimulate discussion:

1.     What am I holding?  (Wait for responses.)  That’s right.  I have a bouquet of flowers.  These are my flowers of mercy.

2.     Ask a child to read Psalm 52:8.  The writer of this Psalm trusted in God’s mercy.

3.     Let’s learn a little more about this Scripture and learn how to apply it to our own lives.  Here are 3 important points.

Point 1: A great godly man named John Bunyan once wrote, “All the flowers in God’s garden are double.”  I think that what John meant by this is that everything God has and gives us is abundant.  There is lots and lots of everything in God’s kingdom!  Today we’re going to learn about His abundant mercy.

Point 2: Picture a field of mercy flowers and each one describes mercy in a different way.  For example:

1.   The yellow mercy flower is tender mercy.  God’s care for us is always loving and tender.

2.   The red mercy flower is God’s great mercy.  You can’t measure God’s mercy and it goes on forever and ever.

3.   The purple flower is undeserved mercy.  This flower reminds us Jesus took the punishment for our sins because He loved us and not because of any good things we have done.

4.   And that orange flower is unfailing mercy.  God’s mercy will never leave you.  The Bible says that His mercy’s are new every morning.  He will never run out.

Point 3: There are many more beautiful mercy flowers because God’s mercy is abundant.  Let mercy be your friend.  It will help you to not sin and will bring great joy to your life.

This 3-Point Bible Object Lesson for Kids was inspired by my reading of C.H. Spurgeon’s devotional on Psalm 52:8 from his book Morning and Evening.  You too can be inspired by your favorite Christian authors and come up with your own 3-Point Sermon for Kids.

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2 thoughts on “Mercy Flowers – A Fun Bible Object Lesson for Your Kids”

  • Thank you, Carolyn! What kind words! And I am so glad this lesson is a help to you. Many blessings to you also!

  • We were trying to put together a lesson on God’s mercy and forgiveness and becoming a new creation in Him when I came across the object lesson on mercy flowers. Perfect. May God bless you abundantly and your work for Him. Wishing you a God blessed new year and I pray many will develop a deeper walk, love, and understanding with Him because of the object lessons you post. Thank you.

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The Scripture Lady