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Hallelujah Rollers: A Super Bible Memory Verse Activity for Elementary Kids

Here is a fun game I really think your kids are going to love.  It is based on Isaiah 35:10 which says:  “They will enter Zion with singing.  Everlasting joy will crown their heads.  Gladness and joy will overtake them and sorrow and sighing will flee away.”  Zion is an Old Testament term of endearment for the city of Jerusalem.  The Bible teaches that some day there will be a new Jerusalem where Jesus will reign as King forever and ever.  It truly speaks of a time every Christian can look forward to as their forever home where sorrow and sighing will be non-existent.  That definitely deserves a “Hallelujah!”  Here is a fun Bible memory verse activity to help your kids learn this amazing Scripture.  It’s called “Hallelujah Rollers.”

Here’s what you do:

For this game you will need to make a large die. I made mine from a box about 8” square.  The 6 sides will have one of the following letters: H, A, L, E, U, J.  Place a circle around the E, U and J.  You will also need a board on which to write the letters rolled by each team.  You are now ready to play the game.

How to play:

For this game you will divide your class into 2 teams.  One child from team one will come forward and roll the die.  Whatever letter is rolled gets written on the board for their team. Play goes back and forth until a team successfully obtains all the letters needed to spell “HALLELUJAH”.  The first one to do so is the winner.  If a duplicate letter is rolled when rolling an H, A, or L, play just goes to the next team.  If an E, U, or J is rolled, the child can take that letter if needed.  If not needed he can earn a letter his team needs only if he can recite Isaiah 35:10.

Before playing, introduce the lesson in the following way:

Raise your hand if someday you would like to go to Heaven.  (Wait for response.)  Good!  Me too!  Part of me can’t wait.  Who can tell me what Heaven will be like?  (Wait for responses such as Jesus will be there.  There will be no more sin, etc.  Affirm correct responses.)  Did you guys know that in the Old Testament, another name for Jerusalem was Zion? The Bible teaches that some day there will be a new Jerusalem where Jesus will reign as King forever and ever.  It truly speaks of a time every Christian can look forward to as their forever home where sorrow and sighing will be non-existent.  That deserves a big “Hallelujah!”  So let’s play “Hallelujah Rollers.”

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