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God’s Colorful Word: An Interactive Bible Game for Young Children

God’s Colorful Word is an interactive Bible game for young children to introduce them to verses in the Bible that use different colors they are learning.

God’s Colorful Word can be a fun Bible game to add to any Bible teaching with your young children. Preschoolers love colors and are in the process of learning all the names of colors.  This idea will help your little ones learn red, blue, yellow, and purple by hearing some great Scriptures that contain these great colors.

Today I want to share with you my very first interactive Bible game. As many of you know, even preschoolers know their way around the computer and other devices. So, I thought it was time to enhance my game videos and let the kids play along by a click of the mouse or a touch of the screen.

Take a look at a sample of the Bible game “God’s Colorful Word.”

By the way, the sample video is not interactive, only the full version.

CLICK HERE  to subscribe and receive FREE access to this interactive game. Your children will be able to play it from a page on my site. (This game cannot be downloaded.)

I actually introduced this game in last week’s FREE Bible videos as part of my theme “The BIBLE, That’s the Book for Me!”

In order to get the free videos, you will need to click on the big green button below.


Click HERE to Subscribe to The Scripture Lady’s Lessons

IMPORTANT: The 8 weeks began on Friday, March 20, 2020. You may sign up at anytime over the next 8 weeks (at least), but you will only get free access to the current week of lessons and the following weeks after your sign up date. You will not be able to access previous weeks of lessons.

You will only have access to what is on the page for the week’s Bible lesson.

When you subscribe to the Bible game, “God’s Colorful Word,” I will give 4 FREE  downloadable coloring pages that complement the game when you leave a comment at the bottom of THIS page. I would love to know how your kids like the game and any other thoughts you might have on what you like about it or what could be improved. As this is my very first interactive game, I want to get better at serving you with this type of resource.

So, click on the blue link above (the one below the video) to subscribe to the interactive game PLUS receive the downloadable coloring pages when you leave a comment on the THIS page.

If you liked the “God’s Colorful Word” game, then sign up to receive Scripture Lady’s Free Email Kid Tips packed full with creative ideas and receive 12 FREE Bible downloadable resources to help get the kids you minister to excited about the Bible! Just go to to fully subscribe.

Also, don’t forget to “LIKE” me on Facebook. Thank you!

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4 thoughts on “God’s Colorful Word: An Interactive Bible Game for Young Children”

  • Dear Esther, thank you so much for your kind words and for all you are doing for Jesus and the children He brings to you! I would love to hear the “Afraid” song in Telugu. I am so thankful that our Lord is blessing your children. Thank you so much for your prayers. They mean a great deal to me. Blessings to you, my sister!

  • Dear Kathy,
    I am so blessed and my Sunday school children too. Since COVID19 we are have on line and I taught them the chorus “when I am afraid….” so timely. I also translated into Telugu (regional language) and many have said that the song is helping them when they are having sleepless nights. I am so grateful and thank God for you and pray for you every day. I don’t have a facebook or any other account. Thank you very much. Esther

  • Thank you, Faith, for your kind words! And thank you for subscribing to my first ever interactive game. I will send you the coloring pages to your email. May the Lord continue to bless you and the children you serve!

  • I always love the items from the Scripture Lady. We are not near CA but it would be so great to have someone like this closer to us. Looking forward to using many of these when we are all together again.

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The Scripture Lady