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Bible Verse Games for Preschoolers for 1 John 3:1: Duck, Duck, Child of God

Bible verse games are great for preschoolers too! Here is for 1 John 3:1 called “Duck, Duck, Child of God.”

1 John 3:1 says: “How great is the love the father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God.” What a great verse to share with our little ones. Preschoolers love to know that they are loved and it is never too soon to share the truth that God the Father wants to abundantly pour out His love upon each one of them.  Play this fun Bible verse game to help your little ones know this truth a little more.

Bible verse games are fun and for this one you will need to teach your children my Bible song for 1 John 3:1. It’s very fun, catchy and easy especially if you follow along with the moves I have given you in the video below. You will notice that I dress up like a “fruity Lady” and wave around some maracas. You might want to let your preschoolers use some maracas as well. You can find some pretty cheap ones at party stores like “Party City.”

The game is a little reminiscent of the old standard, “Duck, Duck, Goose”, with a little twist.  After learning the song, have your children sit in a circle except for one child who gets to be the first “Child of God”.  Once you begin the music, have this child walk around the circle tapping lightly the other children’s heads.  At a random point in the song, the teacher stops the music.  The child who was tapping the heads should hold hands now with the child she last tapped.  Start the music up again.  Now there are

two children walking around the circle tapping the children’s heads.  Stop the music again.  The second child who was picked now gets to take the hands of the child he tapped.  Now there are three children walking around the circle.  Get the picture?  Play this until all the “children of God” have been found.

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“How great is the love the father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God.”

1 John 3:1

The Scripture Lady