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Scripture Lady’s Bible Verse Games: B – A – T – T – L – E – Learning 2 Chronicles 20:15


The Scripture Lady loves creating Bible verse games for kids! Here is one called “B – A – T – T – L – E” to help learn 2 Chronicles 20:15.

Second Chronicles 20:15 says this: “Do not be afraid or discouraged … For the battle is not yours, but God’s.”  This is a GREAT Bible verse.  Most of us are not on the front lines of a literal war zone, but all of us have difficult situations in our lives that we “battle” with.  But the key to this verse is that we understand that we don’t have to fight our battles.  God will fight them for us.  He is all-knowing, all-wise and all-powerful.  He is able to handle all our battles and difficulties with perfection.  Here is a fun Bible verse activity to help our kids memorize this Bible verse and seal it in their hearts and minds.

Bible verse games will help your kids hide God’s Word in their hearts and for this one you will need to do the following:

For this game you will need one deck of cards, minus the jokers, per 5 people.  This game will be best played with 4 to 10 people.  You will also need to make 2 sets of 3 index cards.   Two cards will have the letters “BA” on them.  The next 2 cards will have “TT” on them.  And the last 2 cards will have “LE” on them.  Placed together, they read “BATTLE.”  Laminate these cards for long-term use.  Finally, you will need to have one less the number of plastic spoons than the number of children in your class.

How to play:

Divide your class into 2 teams.  Have them sit alternately in a circle.  Place the spoons in the center of the circle so that they can fairly be grabbed by all in the circle. Pick one child to be the dealer.  Each player is dealt 4 cards.  The dealer has the pile of leftover cards.  The goal of the game is to be the first to collect four cards of the number, ie. four aces, four twos, four tens, etc.  The dealer begins the game by passing a card from his own 4 cards to the player on his right.  That player looks at the card given him and decides to keep it to reach his goal or pass it on.  He must choose one card from his deck to pass along.  No player is to have more than 4 cards in their hand at a time.  The dealer keeps feeding his own hand from the leftover pile.  When a player collects four of a kind, he subtly grabs one of the spoons. When one player does this, every other player must do likewise as quickly as possible. The last player to grab a spoon is the loser.  The child who is left without a spoon must now say 2 Chronicles 20:15 correctly.  If he does so, he will earn the “BA” card for his team.  If he does not say the verse correctly, he earns nothing for his team.  The card game is played again.  Pick a new dealer each time.  The first team to spell “BATTLE” first is the winner.

Before playing the game, you might want to introduce the lesson I the following way:

Raise your hand if you or your family or someone you know is experiencing some kind of difficulty right now.  (Wait for response.)  God’s Word promises that life will be full of trials, tribulations and even battles.  If you aren’t going through something hard right now, you probably know someone who is.  But as Christians, do we have to fight our battles on our own? (Wait for answers.)  The answer is absolutely, “No!”  I will prove it to you.  Who will read 2 Chronicles 20:15 for our class?  (Wait for responses.)  I told you so!  The battles you are going through are not yours to fight.  They belong to God!  I think that deserves a big Amen!  Let’s play a game to help us memorize this great Bible verse.  It’s called “B-A-T-T-L-E”.

At this point, recite 2 Chronicles several times with your class.  Explain the rules of the game and then have fun!

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“Do not be afraid or discouraged for the battle is not yours, but God’s.”

2 Chronicles 20:15

(Click here for a sample of this Bible verse song.)

The Scripture Lady