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Bible Story Pictures of Stories that Discourage Sin

Using Bible story pictures of stories that discourage sin is a great way to teach your kids about how people in the Bible struggled with sin and suffered the consequences for their choices.

Sharing Bible story pictures of stories that discourage sin can present a good opportunity to talk about sin with your kids. Your children need to know that they are sinners and that their sin separates them from having a relationship with God. But your kids also need to know that God made a way to forgive their sin. He sent His one and only Son Jesus to die upon the cross for the forgiveness of their sin. When your children believe, through the leading of the Holy Spirit, that Jesus gave His life for them and took the punishment that they deserved for their sin, all their sin will be washed away and will now be seen as righteous in the eyes of God.

Here are 4 pictures of stories in the Bible that will be a great starting point for sharing these struggles with sin. Whether you read the story straight from scripture or give a retelling in your own words, these pictures will be a great addition.

The four stories include:

  1. Moses and the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20) – The children can learn that when they break just one of the Lord’s commandments, they have broken them all. (James 2:10)
  2. Moses and the Bronze Serpent (Numbers 21) – The children can learn that God does not allow complaining. This is an amazing story that teaches the seriousness sin of complaining to God along with His ultimate mercy of providing a way of forgiveness, which is a foreshadow to Christ’s sacrifice upon the cross.
  3. Peter Denies Jesus (Luke 22) – The children can learn that denying Jesus is a serious sin and one that Peter, one of Jesus’ disciples, knew all too well. Peter denied Jesus when Jesus needed him the most. But praise God for His rich mercy and kindness to both Peter and any of us when we deny Jesus by what we do or say.
  4. Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5) – The children can learn that lying can lead to devastating consequences, even death.

The Bible story pictures of stories that discourage sin come from a great resource which I purchased several years ago. They come from a 2-DVD collection called “The Ultimate Bible Picture Collection.” All of these pictures are found in the public domain.

These Bible story pictures of stories that discourage sin go very nicely with my game called “What is Sin?”

Here is a video clip of me playing  the “What is Sin?” Game for elementary kids:

Click HERE to purchase the downloadable slides for this game to play with your kids.

How to use the Bible story pictures of stories that discourage sin:

These pictures can be used in a variety of ways including adding them to your existing children’s church curriculum or with your family devotional.

I have provided you with select scriptures for you to read while showing your children the pictures, however, feel free to use a retelling of this story. Terms like “denial” and “venomous snakes” can be hard for children to understand, but they can still enjoy the Bible story pictures while you tell the story in your own words.

If you are in a Christian school setting, you can encourage your children to create their own Bible story pictures of stories that discourage sin after being inspired by these pictures. They could create their own journals using the pictures or use these pictures for creative dictation.

These Bible story pictures of stories that discourage sin are also a great tool for helping your children remember that everyone struggles with sin in their lives. Each picture can be used as a memory “clue” or “jogger” to help your kids remember each of the stories and the consequences of sin.

Here are the following pictures. I have provided them for you as thumbnails. Just click on each one and you will be led to the full size version.

You may want to read the scriptures from as you show the Bible story pictures.

Bible Story Pictures of Stories that Discourage Sin:

Picture One: Moses and the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20)







Picture Two: Moses and the Bronze Serpent (Numbers 21)







Picture Three: Peter Denies Jesus (Luke 22)







Picture Four: Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5) – Ananias







Picture Five: Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5) – Sapphira






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