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Alike/Unalike: Vacation Bible School Ideas for Elementary Kids

Vacation Bible School ideas are great for elementary kids ! Here is one called “Alike/Unalike.”

Give me one way that Noah and Jesus are alike and one way that they are unalike.

“Well”, you might say, “Noah was a carpenter and so was Jesus.  They are unalike because Noah was married with a family, but Jesus was not married.”

Vacation Bible School ideas for elementary kids will make your VBS even more special and for this one you will need to do the following:

Simply pick two Bible characters and ask them to give you one way that they are alike and one way that they are unalike.  I think you will be surprised by the kids’ creative answers.  You may need to set some ground rules though.  For example the teacher should be allowed to negate easy answers like Noah and Jesus were both men or Noah is in the Old Testament, but Jesus is in the New Testament.  You might allow these once, but that’s all.  The point of the game is to get the kids to think.  Happy thinking!

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“Whoever believes in the Son will have eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life.”

John 3:36

The Scripture Lady