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A Bible Song for 1 John 3:1 Called “Children of God” by The Scripture Lady

Sing the Bible song for 1 John 3:1 called “Children of God” to remind your kids that God wants them to be His children and that He loves them very much.

I wrote the Bible song for 1 John 3:1 called “Children of God” for one of my very first programs called “The Fruit of the Spirit.” I needed a great Bible verse that proclaimed the lavishness of God’s love and 1 John 3:1 was the winner.

Isn’t it amazing that God’s love for us is abundant! We can’t even imagine how big God’s love for us is. And to top it all off, when we believe in His Son Jesus Christ as our Savior, we get to be called His children!

Here’s what 1 John 3:1 says:

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God. (NIV)

Take a look at this sample video showing the moves to the Bible song for 1 John 3:1 called “Children of God”:

Click HERE to learn how to get the downloadable song and video for “Children of God” for only $2.49.

Here are the lyrics to the Bible song for 1 John 3:1 called “Children of God”

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us

That we should be called children of God, First John 3:1

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us

That we should be called children of God, Ai-yai-yai-yai!

Looking for some activities to go along with the Bible song for 1 John 3:1 called “Children of God”? Then click on the links below:

Preschool Activity

Click HERE for an activity for your preschoolers called “Duck, Duck Child of God.”

Elementary Activity

Since 1 John 3:1 makes the promise that we will be called God’s children when we believe in His son, the following game will be good to talk more about God’s promises.

Click HERE for this game called “God’s Wonderful Promises.”

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The Scripture Lady