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kathy-vincentDear Friend and Partner in Ministry,

Thank you so much for your donation to The Scripture Lady Ministry.

My husband and I truly appreciate your support and prayers as we continually share the love of Jesus and His Word day in and day out to children all over the world.

May the Lord bless you for your generosity!

Just in case you haven’t already done so, I hope you subscribe to my FREE Email Kid Tips. My emails are designed to provide you with creative ideas for sharing the Bible with children.


When you sign up, you will receive:

6 FREE Bible Review Game Downloads AND 6 FREE Bible Verse Song Downloads!

When you sign up for your FREE resources, you will be subscribing to my FREE newsletter which will give you:

  • approximately 3 to 4 emails per week providing you with creative ideas to share the Bible to kids ages preschool through elementary grades.

  • and the showcasing of various resources sold by The Scripture Lady for your consideration.

You may choose to unsubscribe from the emails at any time.

So, what are you waiting for? Enter your name and email below to receive your……….. 6 FREE Bible Review Game Downloads AND 6 FREE Downloadable Bible Verse Songs. You don’t want to miss out on any of these great free resources to help you creatively teach the Bible!






The Scripture Lady