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Scripture Lady’s Teacher Training Workshops

Thank you for your interest in learning more about The Scripture Lady’s Teacher Training Workshops

Watch these video clips of The Scripture Lady in action teaching how to creative share the Bible with children:

Invite Kathy Vincent, The Scripture Lady, to encourage and train your teachers through one or more of her teacher training workshops.

As Christian teachers and parents, we want the best for our children. We desire them to have a fervent and lasting relationship with their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We also desire that our children have a hunger and thirst for the amazing life-changing Word of God.

The Scripture Lady believes, without question, that the Bible is completely true and without error. It is her desire to come alongside you to help you learn how to effectively teach the Word of God in creative and engaging ways to the children God has placed under your care.

There is a great quote Kathy loves from Dr. Henrietta Mears, one of the greatest Christian mentors and teachers of the 20th century. She says this:

God’s Word must be our only infallible guide.  In keeping it, there is great reward. To reject His Word is to be rejected.  (From Dream Big: The Henrietta Mears’ Story, p.100.)

This statement has been true for all generations and will be for all generations to come. Teaching the Bible to children must be done effectively. But how do we share the timeless Word of God to a generation of young people who would rather sit in front of their computer all day long? This is a question that should not be ignored, but answered with purpose.


Sharing Bible stories and its life-changing message to today’s children does take new techniques. If you think you can simply write a Bible verse on the board and expect to keep the attention of your children while discussing its meaning, you are in for a rude awakening!

At no other time in history have children been immersed in so much technology.  Therefore, it’s as if our children are wired for greater stimulation to keep their interest.

How do you keep their interest? If you don’t know the answer to this question, then let us suggest you need to learn how.

It is time to step up to the plate and receive effective Christian teacher training for yourself and those you work with.

Effective training leads

to effective teaching,

which leads to

effective transformation.

Kathy offers 2 types of Workshops:

Please click on the links below to learn more about each set of workshops.

Preschool Teacher Training Workshops: Equipping the preschool children’s worker to reach these young hearts with Jesus’ love.

Elementary Teacher Training Workshops: Equipping the elementary children’s worker to engage their kids in God’s amazing Word and its truths.


 What Does it Take to Book a Scripture Lady Teacher Training Workshop?

  • A desire to see your children’s workers encouraged and edified.
  • A room big enough to accommodate your teachers as well as all of her great props and tools.
  • The supply of four 6′ to 8′ tables for props and products.
  • A Scripture Lady workshop is very affordable. We want to bless you and work within your budget. Please browse through our Workshop Packages to choose the one best for you and your ministry.
  • You also might want to throw in some refreshments to keep your teachers extra happy.


Lastly, contact Kathy Vincent, The Scripture Lady,

at 714-331-7192 or email her at [email protected]

to book your day of encouragement!



“Yet to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.” 

John 1:12

(Click HERE for a sample of this Bible Verse Song.)

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The Scripture Lady