Thank you for your interest in learning more about The Scripture Lady’s Preschool Bible Song Programs
Watch these video clips of The Scripture Lady in action sharing Jesus with preschoolers:
What can you expect from The Scripture Lady’s Preschool Bible Song Programs for kids at your church or school?
* A clear and accurate presentation of the Bible for preschoolers’ understanding.
* Original music, creative Bible storytelling, Bible object lessons and puppetry.
* Loads of props and visuals to keep ALL the children focused and attentive.
* A visually colorful and inviting stage setup.
* Total audience participation.
* And LOTS of fun!
Book your Preschool program TODAY!
Performing for preschoolers is one of the Scripture Lady’s favorite things to do! Creating Bible song programs that are just right for little ones to learn about Jesus is a joy. It is never too early to begin sharing the love of Jesus with your preschoolers who are more than ready to hear God’s wonderful Word. All performances are perfect for Sunday school time, Chapel lessons for kids at your school or for your VBS (Vacation Bible School) or any other fun event you desire.
Take a look at just some of the titles of current Preschool Chapel Times:
Here are the following Preschool programs I will be showcasing during the year of 2021/22:
A Scripture Lady program lasts approximately 45 minutes.
I am happy to work within any time constraints you may have.
My programs can be shorter or longer depending upon your needs.
Listen to what other schools are saying about The Scripture Lady!
Pricing for a LIVE Scripture Lady Bible Time Program:
First of all, my passion is to creatively share the Bible with kids. I do not want a lack of funds to keep you from inviting me to minister to your children. Below, you will see the suggested honorarium pricing. However, I am HAPPY to share for FREE and be a blessing to you and your program. You only need to ask.
If you are able to contribute to my ministry, here is the suggested honorarium information:
1. For a First-Time performance, I offer my “Get To Know Me Deal” for half price which is only $100.
2. After the first time, the suggested honorarium for a presentation is $200, however, I am always more than willing to work within your budget. Please do not hesitate to ask for a discount.
3. If you are interested in having me share my Chapel times on a more consistent basis, I offer a package deal which entitles you to a price of only $150 each program when you schedule 6 or more performances throughout one calendar year.
A Sample of The Scripture Lady’s Preschool Bible Song Programs Offered:
The Scripture Lady has written over 52 Bible Song Programs for Preschoolers. Below is just a sample of these truth-filled, Jesus-centered programs.
God Made Me Special
Acts 17:28 says: “In Him we live and move and have our being.” God, indeed, considers each one of us very special to choose to live within us and give us life! Preschoolers need to begin to understand that their life comes from God and that each life is very precious. This Bible song program will teach your little ones that God has made them special in three ways:
- He has given each of them talents and special gifts.
- He has made them strong to serve Him.
- He has given them His love.
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Scripture Song verses and hymns include “Live and Move”, “Won’t You Tell Me Now”, “Crown Him with Many Crowns”, “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands”, and “Oh, How I Love Jesus! “
This program also showcases Scripture Lady’s “Telephone Skit” – a favorite of preschool teachers and the “Who Does God Love?” heart.
We Can Learn About God From the Animals
Your little ones will learn about patience from the lion, wisdom from the monkey, faithfulness from the fox and patience from the lion. God is all of those things too and wants your preschoolers to be just like Him! Get ready for a “roaring” good time with this program. You don’t want to miss it!
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Scripture Song verses and hymns include “Marching for Jesus(CEF)”, “Trust and Obey”, “I Waited”, “Monkey Song”, and “All Creatures of Our God and King”.
This program also showcases Scripture Lady’s skit “Who Made That Oink?”, and the game, “Fishing for Faithful Bible Friends.”
It’s Time to Give Thanks!

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The Fruit of the Spirit
Ahhh! Yummy delicious fruit! Which one is your favorite? Peaches? Strawberries? Grapes?
I bet your little ones have a favorite. But the real question is do they have a favorite fruit of the Spirit? They’re are 9 of them, you know – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Let the Scripture Lady come and share her creative Bible song program all about the fruit of the Spirit that will introduce your preschoolers to all 9 of the fruit, but focus especially on the first three: love, joy, and peace.
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Happy Birthday, Jesus!

Let’s Put On the Armor of God!
Does your preschooler have the belt of truth buckled around his or her waist? Do they have their sword of the Spirit and shield of faith? After this program, your little ones will be familiar with each piece of God’s amazing armor, as well as be familiar with their significance.
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Scripture Song verses and hymns include “The Battle is Not Yours”, “Right and True”, “Imitate God”, “Living and Active”, “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms”, and “I’m in the Lord’s Army”.
This program also showcases Scripture Lady’s fun Bible Game of “Whose Shoes” and the magic trick “Faith in the Bag.”
I Can Love God and Others! – Coming Soon
Our Lord gave 2 important commandments: 1. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and 2. Love your neighbor as yourself. This program will help introduce these 2 important truths in very creative ways including the singing of Scripture Lady’s new song “Heart and Soul, Mind and Strength” and the magical object lesson that will bless one of your teachers with a yummy treat and God’s love for them.
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Scripture Song verses include “He Loves Me”, “Heart and Soul, Mind and Strength”, “Good Sam”, and “Love the Lord Your God.”
This program also showcases Scripture Lady’s fun Bible Games of “How Would You Feel If…?”, “Who Loves Whom?”, “Strengthen Me” and the magic trick “A Sweet Treat.” Your children will also learn the story of the Good Samaritan.
Let’s Sing Some Psalms
The Scripture Lady is thrilled when she can introduce God’s wonderful Psalms to preschoolers. By spelling out the word PSALMS, Kathy shares a psalm that coincides with each of the letters:
- P – Praise God! (Psalm 150:6)
- S – God made us Special! (Psalm 139:14)
- A – God is Always loving! (Psalm 62:12)
- L – God’s Word is a Lamp and Light ( Psalm 119:105)
- M – Meditate or think about God’s Word, the Bible! (Psalm 119:97)
- S – God makes our hearts Strong! (Psalm 119:28,32)
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Scripture Song verses and hymns include “Breathe In, Breathe Out”, “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made”, “L-O-V-I-N-G”, “Lamp and Light”, “Heart Free” and “Dance Like David”.
This program also showcases Scripture Lady’s skit “Which Instrument did David Play?”, and “The Bible Story Book.”
Let’s Pray
One of the biggest questions the Scripture Lady receives from teachers is, “How do we teach our preschoolers to pray?” Here is a fun Bible song program that introduces the topic of prayer to your little ones in a creative and fun way. Using the concept of the acrostic “ACTS”, Kathy will teach your preschoolers how to pray:
A – (Adoration) – We can tell God we love Him!
C – (Confession) – We can tell God we are sorry!
T – (Thanksgiving) – We can tell God thank you!
S – (Supplication) – We can pray for our friends!
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Scripture Song verses and hymns include “Pray Morning Noon and Night”, “The Lord’s Prayer”,“Praise Him”, “Praise Him (CEF)”, “Monkey See, Monkey Do”, and “How to Pray”.
This program also showcases Scripture Lady’s “Find and Flip” presentation of the The Lord’s Prayer and her game, “My Family Loves Me!”
Let’s Count and Spell with Jesus
Your preschoolers are learning so many new things including how to spell and count. Here is a fun Bible song program that points out some important numbers in the Bible along with with some very special words to learn how to spell, like JESUS! This program is a great example of how God’s Word can be brought into every area of our lives – even in counting and spelling.
Your children will be introduced to the Ten Commandments, the Seven Days of Creation and the ABC’s of Animals God has made.
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Scripture Song verses and hymns include “ABCDEFG (CEF)”, “J-E-S-U-S (CEF)”, “OBEDIENCE (CEF)”, “The Creation Song (CEF)”, “The Baseball Song (CEF)”, “The 10 Commandments” and “the Gospel Fuzzies Song”.
This program also showcases Scripture Lady’s skit “Spot the Letter”, and the game “Creation Bingo.”