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Joseph the Dreamer: Today’s SCRIPTURE PICTURE from The Scripture Lady

Joseph the Dreamer: Today’s Scripture Picture from The Scripture Lady comes from Genesis 37:1-10 and will remind you and your children about the amazing story of Joseph in the Bible.

Joseph the Dreamer – today’s SCRIPTURE PICTURE – shows Joseph asleep and dreaming about some very interesting objects, all of which point to his future and the future of Israel.

What can you do with Joseph the Dreamer: Today’s SCRIPTURE PICTURE from The Scripture Lady?

First of all, you will be able to download a full page picture of today’s Scripture Picture as well as a page of postcards. Look below for the downloadable links.

Ask the following questions about it with your preschoolers:

    1. Who is this a picture of? What is Joseph doing?
    2. Can you see the sun, moon and stars?
    3. What colors are on Joseph’s clothes?
    4. Do you see the hay stacks? Doesn’t it look like they are bowing down to the one on the side?
    5. Can you count how many hay stacks are bowing down?
    6. Can you count how many stars are in the sky?
    7. Do you ever have dreams when you sleep?

Ask the following questions about it with your elementary kids:

    1. Who is this a picture of? What is Joseph doing?
    2. What kinds of things are in this picture?
    3. Why do you think the haystacks are bowing down to the one haystack?
    4. How many brothers does Joseph have?
    5. Why do you think God gave Joseph these dreams?
    6. Do you ever have dreams when you sleep?
    7. Do you think God might speak to you in a dream at some point?


Other activities for Jospeh the Dreamer: Today’s Scripture Picture from The Scripture Lady

  1. Read the Bible verse to your children.
  2. Ask the children to memorize the verse.
  3. Have the children make a postcard with the picture using the printable cards below.
  4. Sing the following little song to introduce your own “Scripture Picture” time:

Click HERE for a free download of the “Scripture Picture Intro” song.

Click HERE for a free download of the “Scripture Picture Outro” song.


Jospeh the Dreamer: Today’s Scripture Picture from The Scripture Lady Downloadable Files

Click HERE for a full page picture of the Joseph the Dreamer

Click HERE for a page with 4 pictures of the Joseph the Dreamer


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This Bible story picture comes from a great resource which I purchased several years ago. They come from a 2-DVD collection called “The Ultimate Bible Picture Collection.” All of these pictures are found in the public domain.

The Scripture Lady