The Scripture Lady loves sharing God’s Word in creative ways and Bible Acrostics and Bible Lesson Outlines are great ways to do just that!
There are so many great and creative ways to engage our children in the Bible and using acrostics and outlines are definitely two of these creative ways. I got sold on acrostics when I found a book called Outline and Object for Boys and Girls by J.W. Jordan. It is an old book (they’re the best!) and is filled to overflowing with great acrostic explanations of all sorts of Bible topics. For example, here are a couple below.
Click one of the links below.
They’ll take you where you want to go!
1. What a FRIEND we have in Jesus
2. Take up your CROSS and follow Him
3. The BIBLE, that’s the book for me
6. The Resurrection Bible Acrostic
7. What is a Disciple page one
8. What is a Disciple page two
The first example is a classic acrostic using the word BIBLE. The second example is an outline which often just lists areas of a topic – in this case, growth.
So, how do I use these you may ask? Well, acrostics are great tools for explaining concepts like above or the characteristics of Biblical characters. For example, have the kids take the name of JESUS and come up with traits that make up who He is, having each trait start with the letters of His name.
Using the above examples, you could give the kids the list of Scriptures with the chapter number, but leave out the actual verse number. It is up to them to read through the chapter and find the correct verse. You could also mix up the verses listed and have the kids match the verse with the correct characteristic. Acrostics also make great posters for a room.
Put your creative thinking caps on and come up with some other fun ways to use Bible acrostics and Bible outlines.
For more information about using Bible Acrostics, read the following article:
How to Use Amazing Bible Acrostics Article by Kathy Vincent, The Scripture Lady
“Let us throw off everything that hinders us and the sin that so easily entangles us an let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”
Hebrews 12:1
(Click here for a sample of this Bible verse song.)
Thank you! Blessings to you!
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