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Scripture Lady’s Bible Lessons for Kids: All Of My Days – Learning that God Will Never Leave Us

The Scripture Lady loves creating Bible lessons for kids! Here is one called “All Of My Days” to help learn that God will never leave us.

Life is full of changes.  People come and go in our lives all the time.  However, God will never leave us.  He promises to be with us all of our lives, both now and forever.  Psalm 23:6 says this: “Surely your goodness and love will be with me all my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.”  Here is a fun Bible activity game to help your kids learn this beloved verse.  It’s called “All of My Days”.

Bible lessons for kids will help your children hide God’s Word in their hearts and for this one you will need to do the following:

For this game you will need a page from a large desktop calendar of any month you choose.  Place the calendar on the floor and mark off a line about 8 feet from its edge.  You also need 3 plastic rings.  You can make these easily from the plastic tops of containers by cutting out their centers.  Finally, you will need to create a Scripture chart that displays one card for each word of Psalm 23:6.  Place the cards in correct verse order.  Place this chart on an easel so that a student can stand behind it.

How to play:

Divide your class into 2 teams.  Have a child from the first team stand behind the Scripture chart.  Instruct the rest of the class that you are going to point to one of the words.  On the word “Go” the class will say the verse together but clap on the word you pointed to.  After the verse has been recited, the child behind the easel must guess which word

was clapped out on.  If he guesses correctly, he now gets to throw the 3 rings, one at a time, onto the calendar from behind the 8 ft. line.  Whatever numbers he is able to ring, he adds them up and multiplies that number by 10 for his teams’ score that turn.  Play goes to the next team.  The team with the most points after playing several times is the winner.

Before playing the game you might want to introduce the lesson in the following way:

Raise your hand if you can answer this question:  True or False – God promises to be with His children all of their lives.  (Wait for response.)  It’s true.  God is with you now and will be with you forever and ever.  This should really make you very happy.  Your friends and even family members may come and go in your life.  But God will never leave you.  Who would like to read Psalm 23:6?  (Wait for response.)  Let’s play a fun game to help us learn this great verse.  It’s called “All of My Days”.

At this point, recite the verse with your class several times.  Then explain that the calendar on the floor should remind us that God promises to be with us all the days, months and years of our life.  Have fun!

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 “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.  The old has gone, the new has come.”

2 Corinthians 5:17

The Scripture Lady