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“12 Clues” – A Bible Review Game for Kids

Thank you for purchasing a Scripture Lady Bible review game for kids!

“12 Clues”  is a fun and creative way to test the biblical knowledge of your kids.

The Bible is filled with amazing people.  Elijah, Joseph, Peter, Paul…the list is long and worth knowing.  It’s important that our kids know about all the people in the Bible as well.

Here’s a fun Bible activity for kids to enjoy that will get them guessing about specific people in the Bible.  Just follow the directions and have fun!

This is what you will find below:

* 6 downloadable pictures that represent the 12 “Clue” cards with the 12 questions. – Size of each picture: 8.5 x 11 inches

* 6 downloadable pages that shows the title cards with numbers 1 – 12.

* An instructional video

* All the files are jpeg files. 

How to Download the Files

  1. RIGHT click over the name of the file you want to download and you should be given the choice of where on your computer you want to save the file.
  2. Once the file is saved to your computer, you can now locate where you saved it then print it as you desire.

Best Practices for this Bible Review Game

  1. Print the pictures on card stock. Cut each of the cards on the black line. Laminate for long term use.
  2. Attach a title number card to the back side of each clue card. It does not matter what number you give to a clue.
  3. Invite a child to come forward and take one of the cards out of your hand. There is no correct order.
  4. Read the clue and answer the question according to the Bible character that you are thinking of and wanting the class to guess.

The Instructional Video

Downloadable Files

* 6 downloadable pictures that represent the 12 “Clue” cards with the 12 questions.

  1. Clues 1 and 2
  2. Clues 3 and 4
  3. Clues 5 and 6
  4. Clues 7 and 8
  5. Clues 9 and 10
  6. Clues 11 and 12

* 6 downloadable pages that shows the title cards with numbers 1 – 12.

  1. Numbers 1 and 2
  2. Numbers 3 and 4
  3. Numbers 5 and 6
  4. Numbers 7 and 8
  5. Numbers 9 and 10
  6. Numbers 11 and 12


The magnifying glass picture comes from “The Print Shop Graphics” collection for which, I,  the user have the license.

Need Help?

If you have any questions about your downloadable product, please contact me, Kathy Vincent, via my email: [email protected]


When downloading this product, please only do so for your personal use or for the use of your audience. Do not “share” this product on any social media sites or with friends / and or coworkers who have not purchased this product.






The Scripture Lady