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Jesus Feeds the 5,000: Today’s SCRIPTURE PICTURE from The Scripture Lady

Jesus Feeds the 5,000: Today’s Scripture Picture from The Scripture Lady comes from John 6:1-15 and will remind you and your children that God provides all our needs.

Jesus Feeds the 5,000 – today’s SCRIPTURE PICTURE – shows one of Jesus’ disciples presenting the food of a young boy to Jesus. The disciple lacked faith, because he says to Jesus, “But what difference will (this food) make among so many?” But Jesus takes this small offering and provides a big miracle.

What can you do with Jesus Feeds the 5,000: Today’s SCRIPTURE PICTURE from The Scripture Lady?

First of all, you will be able to download a full page picture of today’s Scripture Picture as well as a page of postcards. Look below for the downloadable links.

Ask the following questions about it with your preschoolers:

    1. Point to each person in the picture and ask the children if they know who each person is.
    2. What time of day is it? Daytime or nighttime?
    3. Can you see the crowd of people? How many people do you think there are?
    4. What is the young boy holding?
    5. What kind of foods do you eat for lunch?
    6. Have you ever shared your lunch with someone?
    7. Do you think Jesus has the power to feed the whole crowd with the boy’s lunch?

Ask the following questions about it with your elementary kids:

    1. Point to each person in the picture and ask the children if they know who each person is.
    2. What is a miracle?
    3. What is the miracle that Jesus did in this story?
    4. Why do you think the disciple doubted that Jesus could feed all the people?
    5. Do you ever have doubts about God’s power in your life?
    6. Why do you think God does miracles sometimes, but seems to not do miracles at other times?


Other activities for Jesus Feeds the 5,000: Today’s Scripture Picture from The Scripture Lady

  1. Read the Bible verse to your children.
  2. Ask the children to memorize the verse.
  3. Have the children make a postcard with the picture using the printable cards below.
  4. Sing the following little song to introduce your own “Scripture Picture” time:

Click HERE for a free download of the “Scripture Picture Intro” song.

Click HERE for a free download of the “Scripture Picture Outro” song.


Jesus Feeds the 5,000: Today’s Scripture Picture from The Scripture Lady Downloadable Files

Click HERE for a full page picture of Jesus Feeds the 5,000

Click HERE for a page with 4 pictures of Jesus Feeds the 5,000


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This Bible story picture comes from a great resource which I purchased several years ago. They come from a 2-DVD collection called “The Ultimate Bible Picture Collection.” All of these pictures are found in the public domain.

The Scripture Lady