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Pass the Bible: A Super Bible School Activity for Elementary Kids

From what I’ve learned, Christianity is the only religion that teaches you cannot earn salvation.  No matter how good you are, you can never be good enough to get rid of your sins on your own.  The Bible is very clear on this point.  One such Scripture that teaches this truth is Titus 3:5 which says: “…he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy…”  Here is a fun Bible review game to help your kids memorize this wonderful verse while playing a game called “Pass the Bible”.

Here’s what you do:

For this game you will need a Bible and chart that displays Titus 3:5 with a card for each word including the reference of Titus 3:5.  I like to display my Bible verses in this way on a pocket chart. Before playing, turn one word over in the verse. You will turn a different word over after each turn.  You are now ready to play the game.

How to play:

Have your entire class sit in a circle except for one who sits in the center.  Have one child in the circle hold the Bible.  The child in the center will say, “Go!”  The Bible should be passed around the circle to the right.  It should go around at least one time before the center child says, “Stop!”  Whoever is holding the Bible on the word “Stop” is now the “guesser” and will give the Bible to the person on his right.  This person will begin passing the Bible around the circle while the “guesser” looks at the Scripture chart and must guess which word is missing before the Bible gets passed back to him.

A couple of tips:

  1. If you have a small class, you might require the Bible to pass around at least 2 or 3 times.
  2. To make it harder, you might turn over more than one word for the “guesser” to guess.

Before playing this game you might want to introduce the lesson in the following way:

Raise your hand if you can answer this question:  True or False – I can get rid of my sins just by doing really good things.  (Wait for response of false.)  The answer is false.  The Bible is very clear about this truth.  The only way our sins can be washed away is by believing on the Lord Jesus.  We can never be good enough to take away our own sins.  Who will read Titus 3:5?  (Wait for response.)  Never forget that it was because of God’s mercy, His unearned favor, we are saved from our sin.  Let’s play a game to help us learn this important truth of Titus 3:5.  It’s called “Pass the Bible.”

At this point, go over Titus 3:5 several times before playing the game.  Have fun!

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