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The Parable of the Sower Song for Kids PLUS a Bible Memory Verse Activity

The Parable of the Sower song for kids is a creative new take on the classic, “Old MacDonald Had a Farm.” Teach this song to your kids to help them learn this great parable of Jesus.

The Parable of the Sower song for kids shares how God wants each of us to grow in our faith. This is a truth that should be taught to our children every chance we get. And since it’s Spring, while I am writing this post, this season gives ample opportunity for you to have some thoughtful discussions about growing in God while watching all the pretty flowers bloom.

The Bible is full of verses about growing in our faith. I can’t help but think that our Father loves to watch each of His children grow in Him more and more each day. Take for example the Parable of the Sower found in Luke 8. In its simplest form, this is a story Jesus told to remind us that when His Word is shared, it’s like a seed that a farmer has sown in a field. Like with all seeds, some land on rocky places, some land among thorns and some land on the fertile soil where the seed is properly planted and bears much fruit.

God knows our hearts are like a piece of land where He wants the seed of His Word to take root. When His commands and promises and truths are well watered by His Holy Spirit, then our faith in Him will grow.

Today I want to share with you a creative way that I share this story by pretending to be “Old MacDonald.” But instead of Mr. MacDonald taking care of animals, this song shows how Mr. MacDonald is  taking care of his garden.

Take a look at a sample of the Parable of the Sower song for kids:

CLICK HERE  to subscribe and receive FREE access to this song and video and instructions for sharing this song with your own children.

To help your kids grow even more in their faith, I am providing you with a fun Bible memory verse activity called “Pretty Petals” to help them learn Luke 8:15 from the Parable of the Sower.

Luke 8:15 says this: But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop. (NIV)

How to Play “Pretty Petals”

This game will be played between 2 teams. Divide your children into the two teams.

For this game, you will need to print off each of the following pages of petals. One set of petals is red and the other is blue. Print them onto cardstock so that the words won’t be seen through from the other side.

Click here for the page of BLUE petals.

Click here for the page of RED petals.

Next, print off 2 copies of the “Flower Template” page. Give one page to each of the two teams.

Click here for the “Flower Template” page.

Now, print off the page of numbers. Cut each set of numbers out. Place each set in their own bag or hat from which the children will pick. Each team will get their own set of numbers.

Click here for the page of numbers.

Cut out all the petals and middle circle. Place all the blue petals in their correct number order on one of the “Flower Template” pages. This will belong to Team One. Do the same for the red petals on the other “Flower Template” page. This will belong to Team Two.

Review Luke 8:15 with your children by having them say it several times together. Once you think they have a good handle on the verse, you can begin playing the game.

Choose which team will go first. Have a child from Team One reach into their bag of numbers. Whatever number he picks out, he now goes to his “Flower Template” and pulls that petal off. He must now say the verse and include the missing words from the petal he just took off. If he is successful, that petal stays off the flower. If he is not successful, the petal must go back on the flower and the number card goes back into its bag or hat. After Team One plays, Team Two get to go and plays in the same way as just described. Each turn will make it harder for the teams to successfully say the verse as more and more petals are taken off.

The first team to get all their petal taken off is the winner.

You might want to end your time by giving each child a copy of the “Flower Template” so that they can color it and write the verse down somewhere on the page.

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