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Mary Was a Humble Girl: A Christmas Bible Game for Elementary Kids

Try playing “Mary Was a Humble Girl” along with the “Baby Basket Game” with your elementary kids to help them learn the true and amazing announcement to Mary of the birth of Jesus. This Christmas Bible game will ring in the Christmas holiday with laughs and cheers.

“Mary Was a Humble Girl” was introduced in a chapel program I wrote last year in 2017. It became part of my “Don’t Grumble, Be Humble” presentation. I wanted to showcase the story of Mary and how she humbly accepted God’s will for her life. Of course, Christmas is a great time to share this story and game, but it can be played anytime you want your kids to learn a thing or two about a humble young woman named Mary.

What to prepare for this game called “Mary Was a Humble Girl”:

First, you will want to take the story of Mary and separate it into 6 to 8 parts. Here are the parts of scripture I used from Luke 1:24-56:

Part One – A quick intro about Mary telling of her proposal to a man named Joseph

Part Two – Luke 1:26-29

Part Three – Luke 1:30-33

Part Four – Luke 1:34

Part Five – Luke 1:35

Part Six – Luke 1:38

I suggest that you create slides for a Power Point with some great pictures that depict Mary hearing the great news from the angel Gabriel. You can include the actual scriptures or give a retelling. If you don’t want to make a Power Point presentation, then create posters that you can show. Using visuals will ALWAYS help keep your kids engaged.

Next, you need to gather together 2 identical sets of baby items. I went to my local dollar store and purchased the following items:

diapers, romper, baby powder, baby food, baby oil, blanket, bib, rattle, baby socks, shampoo and bottle

Gather 2 baskets for each team. In the first basket, place the set of baby items. The second basket will be used to collect the correct items. I purchased 2 baskets that were blue and 2 were that green to distinguish the teams.

Next, prepare 6 lists of 4 items that must be gathered. I actually created Power Point slides for these lists. Here’s an example of the first list:

Finally, place the 2 empty baskets on a table that is in the center of your stage or presentation area. This table will be the starting spot for your teams.

How to play “Mary Was a Humble Girl”:

Divide your class into 2 teams. Have 2 kids come forward to play from each team. One child on each team will hold the basket that has all the baby items. Have them stand far across from each other in a large room. The other 2 kids will stand in the center by the tables and should be equidistant from their teammates who are standing on the sides.

Read the first part of the Bible story. Next, show them the first list of items that each child will gather from their teammates’ baskets.

On the word, “Go!” each child will run to their teammate’s basket and gather ONE item at a time and run it back to their empty basket. The first team to get all the items on the list is the winner of that round. Whoever wins the most rounds is the victor!

Your kids will really enjoy this game. It’s fun and energetic and they will giggle over all the baby stuff.

As a gift to you, I have provided all the slides that I use for this game until I actually make this to be a product. So, grab your slides before it’s too late!

Files for “Mary Was a Humble Girl”:

Story of Mary Title Slide

Story of Mary Slide 1

Story of Mary Slide 2

Story of Mary Slide 3

Story of Mary Slide 4

Story of Mary Slide 5

Story of Mary Slide 6

Baby Basket Game Slide 1

Baby Basket Game Slide 2

Baby Basket Game Slide 3

Baby Basket Game Slide 4

Baby Basket Game Slide 5

Baby Basket Game Slide 6

Looking for another activity to share the Christmas story?

Then click HERE to learn more about the “Wordless Book Christmas Tree” poem and activity.

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