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Growing in God is as Simple as G-R-O-W! – A Video by The Scripture Lady

Growing in God is as Simple as G-R-O-W! Share this simple acrostic with your kids to help them learn 4 ways to grow in their friendship with Jesus.

Do you kids know that growing in God is as simple as G-R-O-W? It’s true. And in the article I am giving you one of my newest videos that you can share online or at home or in the classroom with your kids. This video shares the acrostic for the word GROW. Each letter gives one way that your kids can grow in their relationship with God.

Take a look at the 4 ways for growing in God:

G – Go to Church: Going to church is a great way for your kids to grow in God. Not only will they hear sermons and lessons from the Bible, but church is also a place where they can learn to love God and others.

R – Read the Bible AND Prrrrray Every Day: As Christians, we should make reading the Bible and praying a daily goal. The Bible is God’s love letter and map for our lives. And of course praying is how we take time to talk to God and listen to Him.

O – Obey God: Obedience often has a bad reputation with us sinners. Why is that? It’s because we want to live our lives our OWN way rather than trusting in God’s way. But if we only would remember that obeying God would ALWAYS bring the best results for our lives, we would be ready and willing to obey Him all day long. How do we obey God? We can’t do it on our own. We need the Holy Spirit to work His trust and love in our lives so that we give our wills over to the One who loves us the most.

W – Witness for Jesus: Witnessing is just a fancy word that means we get to tell others about Jesus. When we start telling others about our faith and love for Jesus, our friendship with God will grow!

As promised, here is the video for today’s lesson all about growing in God:

Click HERE to download this video.

In addition to the video, I am giving you 4 coloring pages that complement this lesson – one coloring page for each letter in the word GROW. Click on the links below for free access to the pages.

Coloring Page for G

Coloring Page for R

Coloring Page for O

Coloring Page for W

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The Scripture Lady