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Bible Game for Philip and the Ethiopian by The Scripture Lady

Play this Bible game for Philip and the Ethiopian Bible story with your elementary kids to help them learn the importance of sharing the good news with everyone they know.

The Bible game for Philip and the Ethiopian was introduced in one of my newest musical Bible programs for elementary kids called “Go and Tell.”

“Go and Tell” is a program all about the importance of sharing the gospel with those whom God places in our lives.

The Bible story of Philip and the Ethiopian is a great story that shows how Philip’s obedience to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit literally changed the world. Because Philip told the man from Ethiopia about the good news of Jesus Christ, christianity began to spread far and wide.

The story of Philip and the Ethiopian can be found in Acts 8:26-40. It has an exciting beginning and exciting end. In fact, its events are supernatural and your kids will love hearing about it.

One of the best ways I love to share any Bible story is by pairing it with a great game. I chose to pair the Bible story for Philip and the Ethiopian with a game called “This or That.” It was inspired by a game from one of my favorite children’s ministry mentors, Ed Dunlop. Along with the game of “This or That,” I share 6 different ways that man has been commuting with others since the beginning of time.

Take a look at this picture which shows the 6 different forms of communication on my game board.

As you can see, under each form of communication there is a pair of “This or That” cards. After the kids hear about a part of the story, we go back to the game board and I let a team pick any form of communication they would like. Then they get to choose the “This or That” card. Behind the “This or That” cards are 2, 3 or 4 stars. As the host, I reveal the card they chose to see how many stars they get to earn for their team. The other team gets to the amount of stars that are on the unpicked card. We then keep playing the Bible game for Philip and the Ethiopian in the same way until we learn all 6 parts of the story. Which ever team has the most stars, is the winner.

Here is a sample video of the Bible game for Philip and the Ethiopian

As of this day, I will be debuting this game inside my online store for sale. But the first 5 people who leave a comment telling in a sentence or two about someone they shared the gospel with, will be given FREE access to this game. Once you write your comment, I will email you with the game.

But I also want to give away a nice Free-bie without any time limits.

Below, you will find the script that I wrote for the Bible game for Philip and the Ethiopian. I wrote it in rhyme to help keep the children’s interest even more.

You can use this story during your own lesson time or pair it with a game of your own creation.

Script for the Bible story of Philip and the Ethiopian

Philip and the Ethiopian Story with the “Ways to Communicate” Game

Part One

Our story begins with an angel of the Lord speaking to Philip

“Take the road from Jerusalem to Gaza,” he said.

So Philip obeyed and came upon a man from Ethiopia

The man was an important official of the queen, perhaps dressed in gold and red

This man from Ethiopia had just come from Jerusalem

Where he went to worship God

On his way home, he sat in his chariot

Reading from the book of Isaiah in God’s book of the law

Part Two

The spirit then told Philip, “Go to that chariot and stay near it.”

So Philip obeyed and ran to the man with a scroll in his hand

The scroll held the words of the prophet Isaiah

So Philip asked, “Do you know what you’re reading? Do you understand?”

Then the Ethiopian said, “How can I understand…”

Unless someone explains it to me

So he invited Philip to sit with him

Who began to explain God’s word which could set him free

Part Three

The passage of Scripture that the Ethiopian was reading

Was all about Jesus and God’s masterful plan

It spoke of how Jesus would give His life on the cross

Being led to his death like an innocent lamb

The words of Isaiah said that Jesus was silent

When giving His life for you and me

The humiliation He suffered, though He was fully God

Happened on the cross of Calvary

Part Four

The Ethiopian didn’t know

That Isaiah’s words were about Jesus and His death

So he asked Philip, “Who are these words about?”

Philip paused and took a breath

Philip began to tell the Ethiopian

All about Jesus and the good news

Of His salvation from all sin

For all gentiles and for all Jews

Part Five

Then as Philip and the Ethiopian traveled and talked together

They came upon some water so clear

The Ethiopian asked, “Can I be baptized?”

“The water to be baptized in is right here!”

So the Ethiopian stopped the chariot

And he and Philip went down to the water’s edge

Then and there, Philip baptized the Ethiopian

Who gave his life to Jesus with a vow and a pledge

Part Six

After Philip and the man came up out of the water

A very strange thing happened you see

The Spirit of the Lord took Philip away

But the Ethiopian went away rejoicing

God had other places for Philip to go

And proclaim the good news of Jesus far and near

May he be our example and may we share Jesus

With those we don’t know and with those we hold dear

If you liked this idea for sharing a Bible Game for Philip and the Ethiopian, then sign up to receive Scripture Lady’s Free Email Kid Tips packed full with creative ideas and receive 12 FREE Bible downloadable resources to help get the kids you minister to excited about the Bible! Just go to to fully subscribe.

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As you can see from the video, the game is full of great visuals to help tell this great story and will only be $6.00 as a downloadable product in my store.

Click HERE to learn how to purchase this fun game for your kids.


18 thoughts on “Bible Game for Philip and the Ethiopian by The Scripture Lady”

  • Thank you for sharing your game. I am excited to play this with our youth.
    I would like to play it with our youth at our church school conventions.
    Thank you for your kindness.

  • Hi Andrea, I hope you like it! As promised, I sent you an email with the free game. Enjoy!

  • Hi Marvita, Glad you like the idea! As promised, I sent you an email with the free game. Enjoy!

  • Hi MaryAnn, Thank you so much for your kind words! As promised, I sent you an email with the free game. Enjoy!

  • Hi Nancy, Thank you so much for your kind words! As promised, I sent you an email with the free game. Enjoy!

  • Hi Monique, Thank you so much for your kind words! As promised, I sent you an email with the free game. Enjoy!

  • Hi Diana, This would be great for Chapel! As promised, I sent you an email with the free game. Enjoy!

  • Hi Faith, So glad you like this game idea! As promised, I sent you an email with the free game. Enjoy!

  • Hi Estera, Thank you so much for your kind words! Wow! All the way from Romania! That’s wonderful! As promised, I sent you an email with the free game. Enjoy!

  • I would LOVE to win this game!! 🙂 Thank you for all you do to help us minister to children!

  • This is so awesome! Our kiddos will love this once we get back into the swing of things. Thank you for sharing!

  • This could be a great game for online programming or to send home to families in a kit. It seems kids are getting back into games with COVID.Thanks for all your great ideas and wonderfully enthusiastic examples.

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The Scripture Lady