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You Are the God Who Sees Me: A Bible Verse Game for Genesis 16:13

Hagar said, “You are the God who sees me.” The story of Hagar is an amazing story of God’s love and grace upon a woman who felt invisible. Your kids can feel invisible at times. Play this fun Bible verse game to help them learn that God truly sees them and loves them.

Do your kids know that God watches over them all the time? Can they, like Hagar, say “You are the God who sees me”? We all have times of feeling like we are invisible to the rest of the world. We all have days where it seems like no one cares.

The Bible story of when Hagar encountered God is a story for all ages. It is a great story to share with your children to encourage them that God is always watching over them.

Hagar had reason to feel unloved and unwanted. In a nutshell, God had promised Abraham and Sarah (then called Abram and Sarai) that He would bless them with a baby boy. (Gen. 15:4) God told Abraham that his descendants would be greater than the number of stars in the sky. In chapter 16 of Genesis, it appears that Sarah got anxious and did not trust in God’s promise. So, she gave Abraham her slave named Hagar to bare a son. When Sarah realized that Hagar was going to have Abraham’s baby, she became very jealous and had Hagar banished from their home.

Hagar fled from Sarah into the desert and while there, she met an angel of the Lord! The angel proclaimed to Hagar that God was going to bless her with many descendants. He also told her to go back to the home of Abraham and Sarah and submit to Sarah.

At this, “(Hagar) gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.”” (Gen. 16:13)

This is a beautiful story of God’s provision and love for His children. And while you, as their teacher, need to appropriately share this story with your children in an age-appropriate way, this can be a story that will bless your kids.

Here is a fun Bible verse game to help your kids memorize part of Genesis 16:13, which says: “You are the God who sees me.” I call it, “What Do You See?”

Here is how to play the game:

For this game you will need to collect some various clothing props and accessories like the following:

3 – 4 different colors of eye glasses

3 – 4 different necklaces or ties (depending on whether you are a boy or girl)

3 – 4 different hats

3 – 4 different shoes

Place all the props inside a bucket and cover the lid with a cloth so the props can’t be seen.

You are ready to play “What Do You See?” to help your kids memorize Gen. 16:13: “You are the God who sees me.”

Divide your class into 2 teams. Teach the story of Hagar found in Genesis 15-16 in an age-appropriate manner.

Help the class memorize Genesis 16:13 by reciting it many times. When you feel like they have a good handle on it, proceed with the game.

Begin by saying: We are going to play a game called, “What Do You See?” We have learned about Hagar and how God was watching over her even when she must have felt very alone and afraid. We need to remember that God watches over each of us. too and is always just a prayer away. God sees you! God knows everything about you even though others don’t. Our game today will remind us that even though we might not remember what our friends look like, we can always be sure that God knows us very well and will never forget who we are.

This is how we play the game. I will pick one person from Team One to recite our memory verse from Genesis 16:13, which says, “You are the God who sees me.” If he says it correctly, he will then earn the chance to leave the room. Then, I will pick another person from Team One to come forward and put on a pair of glasses, a necklace or a tie, a hat and a pair of shoes. 

The person who left the room will come in and get 10 seconds to look at the person who is all dressed up. After the 10 seconds is up, he must go back out of the room while the other person takes off the props and places them in the bucket all mixed in with the other props.

The person who left the room will then come back and will have 10 seconds to “dress” their teammate in the exact props he had on earlier. For each prop that is guessed correctly, the team will earn 100 points.

We will switch teams for each round of play. Whichever team has the most points, wins!

Suggestion for a successful game: Keep track on a piece of paper the props that were used during each round. If your memory is anything like mine, it’s easy to forget which props were used.

Have fun!

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