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Why Do I LOVE New York! – The Scripture Lady is Going to NYC

“Why do I love New York?” I ask. “Aren’t there enough people to minister to in my own “neck of the woods?” I wonder. My answer: I love New York City because God has embedded this amazing city deep within my heart. And when God gives you a gift, you open it and admire it.

Why do I love New York?

I love the buildings towering over me like sentinels.

I love the streets filled with a cacophony of non-ending noise.

I love getting a taxi and striking up a conversation with the driver.

I love walking up and down the streets filled with brownstone buildings built in a time that I would love to have lived.

I love riding a bike through Central Park along with the rest of the like-minded nature lovers.

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I love walking the streets with thousands of other people who come from all over the world.

I love the food. I LOVE the food. I LOVE THE FOOD!!!

I love all the old churches and ponder their history.

I love the museums and Broadway plays that inspire me to be more creative.

I love the cold snow and the warm sun and now, for the first time, I will get to see the cherry blossoms that line Central Park with my very own eyes.

I love taking a subway all by myself from the Bronx into Manhattan like I’m a local.

I LOVE when someone stops me for directions. I assume they are doing so because I look like I’m a local. (But alas, I’m a tourist just like them.)

I love walking right by the Flatiron building and gasping at its beauty.

I love the energy that pulses through the city as if it has a life of its own apart from the people who walk its streets.

But this is where I stop and diverge. For the city would not be alive without its people.

And perhaps it’s the people that I am growing to love the most.

Their accents. Their bravery. Their passion. Their hopes. Their love.

Why did God give me such a passion for this all consuming city? To tell you the truth, I don’t know why. Could I write such a passionate list of ideas for southern California? Absolutely not.

Why did Amy Carmichael love India? Why did Dr. Livingstone love Africa? Why did Hudson Taylor love China? I believe it’s because God gave them a desire for these areas that needed the good news of Jesus Christ.

In less than one week I get to go to NYC and I will get to minister at 2 different churches, one in the Bronx and one in Harlem. I am looking forward to sharing what the Lord has given me to share with the children of these churches.

God is doing wonderful things in NYC and I am so thankful that I get to be a little part of His master plan for the children and teachers of this city.

As I go, would you be willing to pray for my time there? I would so appreciate your prayers as I share with those that God places before me. Thank you in advance.

Question: Has God given you a passion for somewhere in the world?


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