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The Animals On the Ark: Vacation Bible School Ideas for Preschoolers


Vacation Bible School ideas for preschoolers are great for your little ones! Here is one called “The Animals On the Ark.”

I think everyone is familiar with the sweet children’s tune “The Bus Song”:

The wheels on the bus go up and down, up and down, up and down

The wheels on the bus go up and down all through the town

So why not take this familiar tune and sing about the animals on Noah’s ark?

Vacation Bible School ideas for preschoolers will make your VBS even more special and for this one you will need to do the following:

The animals on the ark sway back and forth, back and forth, back and forth

The animals on the ark sway back and forth 40 days and nights

The lions on the ark go roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar

The lions on the ark go roar, roar, roar 40 days and nights

The dogs on the ark go bark…40 days and nights

The sheep on the ark go baah…40 days and nights

The monkeys on the ark go ooh, ooh, ahh…40 days and nights

The ducks on the ark go quack…40 days and nights

The cows on the ark go moo…40 days and nights

You get the idea!  Have the children think of as many animals as they can and don’t forget to remind the children that floating on Noah’s ark might have been a pretty wavy experience!

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“For the joy of the Lord is my strength.”

Nehemiah 8:10

(Click here for a sample of this Bible verse song.)

The Scripture Lady