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The Right Key: A Gospel Magic Trick on the Forgiveness of Sin

Here is a fun Gospel magic trick to teach about the forgiveness of sin!

Romans 3:23 says, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” This falling short is a big problem for most people because most people believe that they can bridge the gap to God in their own strength or by their own means. Here is a really fun Bible object lesson to teach your kids that the only way to be freed from the power of sin is by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. I call it “The Right Key” and have adapted it from a fellow children’s ministry worker.

What you will need for this Gospel magic trick:

You will need a long chain.  I got a bright yellow one from Home Depot that works well.  Attach a sign to the chain that says “SIN” and have a lock ready to “lock” the chain together once you have wrapped it around the child.  I also have a bucket that holds the chain while on stage.

You will also need 6 envelopes (6×9 size).  Label each one with a number 1 – 6. On the other side of the envelope, you will place the other labels I provided as attachments.  I display these on a pocket chart for all to see.

Label: One

Label: Good Person

Label: Two

Label: 10 Commandments

Label: Three

Label: Religion

Label: Four

Label: Believing in God

Label: Five

Label: Being Generous

Label: Six

Label: Believing in Jesus

Title Card One

Title Card Two

You will need 6 keys that do not work in the lock and the correct key.  I tie pretty red ribbons on the end of each key.

You also need a “Change Bag” for this trick.  You can usually get one at your local Magic Shop if you are near one or go online.  In one side of the bag you will put all 6 of the “bad” keys and in the other side you will put the “good” key.

Here is a link to an online store if you want to purchase a change bag. This store is very good and fast in their service:


The Right Key Trick Script:


Ask for a child to come up on stage.  Ask his/her name and tell him to stand in the center of the stage.

The Bible says that God’s Word is powerful to save us.  But save us from what?  Our sin.  (Hold up “sin” sign.)  Romans 3:23 says that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.  That means all of you and myself and ________________(child’s name) are sinners.  But what is sin anyway?  Sin is anything I think, anything I say or anything I do that displeases God.  Now _______________, the Bible says you are a sinner.  Sometimes you might lie or cheat or disobey your parents.  Sometimes you might have a bad attitude or unkind thoughts toward others.  Each sin we commit is like adding another link to this long chain.  (As you say each sin, wrap the child in the chain. You might have to say several types of sin depending on how long your chain is.)  Our sin binds us and hinders us from living the life of freedom God desires for us.  This lock (hold up the lock) reminds us of Romans 6:23 which says: “for the wages of sin is death…” and if you don’t have the right key to unlock this awful chain of sin, the Bible says you will surely die in your sin.

Inside this bag, (show the bag and poke the inside out to show that it is empty.  Of course the kids won’t see the right key in the secret compartment.) I am going to place 6 keys inside this bag. (Have the children count with you as you place them in.)  One of these keys is powerful enough to open this lock and free________________ from his sin.

I need another helper.  (Get child’s name.)  Now, each of these keys represent different ways man thinks he can open the gates of heaven. Some people think they can be free from their sin just by being a good person.  (Let Helper reach into bag and pull out a key. Let him try to unlock the lock.  Of course it wont’ work.)  Say, “Hmm.  I wonder why that didn’t work.”  The truth is that I don’t care how wonderful you are and how many good things you do, it will never be enough to get rid of your sin.  (Tell Helper to place that key in envelope number one and then turn the envelope around to reveal the other side’s label.)

The second way people think they can be free from sin is by obeying all the 10 Commandments.  (Helper picks another key and tries to unlock the lock.)  Say, “Oh, well, better luck next time.”  The truth is that if you’ve broken just one of the commandments of God, you’ve broken them all.  So, although the 10 Commandments are very good and can keep us from doing wrong, they are not powerful enought to get rid of our sin.  (Tell Helper to place that key in envelope number two and then turn the envelope around to reveal the other side’s label.)

Another way people try to get rid of their sin is by being very religious. (Helper picks another key and tries to unlock the lock.)  Say, “You’re not having very good luck are you?”  The truth is their are many, many religions in the world.  Budist, Catholic, Muslim, Christian…  You can call yourself any one of these.  You can even call yourself a Christian, but just because you say you’re a Christian doesn’t make you one.  And just because you say you’re a hamburger doesn’t mean your’e sitting on a counter at McDonald’s.  No, following a certain religion won’t get rid of yor sin either.  (Tell Helper to place that key in envelope number three and then turn the envelope around to reveal the other side’s label.)

I know!  How about believing in God?  That has to be the key to freeing ________________ from his sin.  (Helper picks another key and tries to unlock the lock.)  Say, “Have you ever opened a lock before?”  Wow!  I don’t understand this!  Haven’t many of you been taught in Sunday School to believe in God?  Isn’t God all-powerful?  The answer is “Yes, He is!”  But there’s a very important Bible verse that says that even the demons believe in God and tremble and they are not saved!  (Tell Helper to place that key in envelope number four and then turn the envelope around to reveal the other side’s label.)

What about being generous?!  That’s got to be the key!  (Helper picks another key and tries to unlock the lock.)  Say to the kid in chains: “Things aren’t looking to good for you, buddy!”  Have you ever met a super giving person?  Aren’t they great to be around?  They’re always so kind and helpful  A lot like …Mary Poppins.  But, while being generous may give you lots of friends, it won’t give you freedom from your sins.  (Tell Helper to place that key in envelope number five and then turn the envelope around to reveal the other side’s label.)

Well, there’s just one more envelope and I bet __________________ is hoping it will contain the key to free him from this chain of sin and death.  _______________ (Helper), could you go and turn envelope number six around?  Ahhh!  Believing in Jesus!  Let’s see if that key works.  (Helper will reach into the bag and unbeknownst to him, you will have switched the compartment on the change bag to the correct key.  He will try it in the lock and of course it will work.)  Hallelujah!! ______________ is saved from these chains of sin and death!

So, boys and girls, never ever forget, the only way you can be saved from your sins and live forever in Heaven with God is by believing on the lord Jesus Christ!

The End


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“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  To Him be glory both now and forever. Amen!”

2 Peter 3:18

(Click here for a sample of this Bible verse song.)

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