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Bible Trivia Questions and Answers: Cain and Abel

Need some good Bible trivia questions and answers for the story of Cain and Abel? Then try this set for your next Bible review time.

The story of Cain and Abel is very tragic.  I can only imagine what Adam and Eve must have felt to have their son killed by his brother.  Dysfunction in families started at the very beginning of the world and continues on today by people who do not allow the Spirit of God to change them from within to be the people He has called them to be.  God simply wanted Cain’s love and devotion as Abel had given.  But Cain had plans of his own and took matters into his own hands.  The blood of his brother was on those hands and he stands as an example to us all of the punishment our sins deserve when we do not surrender to God.   I believe it is crucial that our children have a handle on the basics of the story of Cain and Abel and here are 12 Bible trivia questions that you can easily integrate into any lesson about our Cain and Abel.

Bible Trivia Questions and Answers About Cain and Abel:

1. Question:  Who were Cain and Abel?
Answer:  Cain and Abel were the first children of Adam and Eve.

2. Question:  What kind of work did Cain do?
Answer:  Cain was a farmer.  He worked with the ground to bring forth crops.

3. Question:   What kind of work did Abel do?
Answer:  Abel was a shepherd.  He watched after the sheep.

4. Question:  Was Abel a good man?
Answer:  Yes; Abel was a good man and served God.

5. Question:  Did God love Abel?
Answer:  Yes; God loved Abel.  God loves all who obey Him.

6. Question:  Was Cain a good man too?
Answer:  No; Cain did bad things that God did not like.

7. Question:  What did Cain do that was bad?
Answer:  Cain killed his brother Abel.

8. Question:  Why did Cain kill Abel?
Answer:  Cain was very jealous of his brother Abel because God showed favor on Abel’s offering.  This caused him to kill Abel.

9. Question:  How did God feel towards Cain?
Answer:  God was angry with Cain because he killed his brother.

10. Question:  Is God always angry with people who did bad things?
Answer:  Yes, God is very angry by the bad things people do every day.

11. Question:  How did God punish Cain for killing Abel?
Answer:  God cursed Cain for killing Abel and drove him off and away to wander the earth for his whole life.

12. Question:  Was Cain happy?
Answer:  No; Cain was not happy.  Doing wrong and bad things will make us very unhappy in the end and will keep us from being close to God.

You can take these Bible trivia questions for kids on the topic of Cain and Abel and come up with your own Bible review questions.  For instance, you can play a version of Bible Jeopardy or Bible Baseball.  The list of ideas is numerous.  Be creative and have a blast!

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“Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.”

Psalm 139:23

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