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Christian Education Teacher Training Ideas: Pop Tarts or Grandma’s Cinnamon Rolls

Christian education teacher training ideas can inspire you to be more creative and confident when teaching your children. This article will encourage your to give your best to the children you minister to.

I grew up in Kansas City, Mo.  Every Sunday after church, my mom would take my sisters and I over to my grandma’s house for breakfast.  I loved my grandma’s house and I especially loved her breakfasts.  The table was laden with eggs, bacon, toast, orange juice and her wonderful, delicious, ooey-gooey cinnamon rolls.  You know the kind I’m talking about.  The roll cannot contain the cinnamon and sugar as it pours out the crevices.  Your mouth waters at the anticipation of enveloping a piece in your mouth and your nose deeply inhales the luscious aroma.

I treasure all those breakfasts and I am forever thankful that my grandma worked so hard at blessing her family with a lavish display of food.  She cared for us and it showed.  I know that without a shadow of a doubt, that if my grandma had simply just served us pop tarts, I would not have the same fond memories that I possess now.  Pop Tarts might feed the stomach for a little while, but they will always leave you wanting more when compared to homemade cinnamon rolls.

So, what does this all have to do with Sunday school?  A lot, in my opinion.  Being a Sunday School teacher is a chance to invest in the lives of a class of children.  It’s a chance to have a relationship with kids where you are free to share about God.  Being a Sunday School teacher is an opportunity for you to be vulnerable and human and show your students how God has changed your life and how much you love Him and His Word.  It’s really about relationships and relationships take time, love and care.  Relationships also take a lot of work.  If we really want to make a lasting impression on the children God has given us, we must be willing to put in the hard work it requires.  In other words, going back to my analogy, you need to be willing to serve your Sunday School class a feast every week.  I promise you that if you bless your kids with “cinnamon rolls”, they will remember your class, but more importantly, they will remember God and His love for them.  Your “Pop Tart” classes are never going to cut it in the long-run.  They will leave your children hungry and wanting more.  One way or another they will get their hunger filled – hopefully it will be God who fills them and not the world.

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“Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all of your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.”

Proverbs 3:5-6

4 thoughts on “Christian Education Teacher Training Ideas: Pop Tarts or Grandma’s Cinnamon Rolls”

  • Thank you, Christy! And thank you for being such a faithful servant to the children the Lord brings your way! Blessings!

  • I have been a Sunday school teacher for about 9 yrs, and I truly love it. I am always looking for new games. Thanks for sharing all these great ideas.

  • Thank you so much for reminding me how important the children I teach are. It reminds me that God spared nothing to save my soul and I shouldn’t spare anything to teach the children God’s truths.

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The Scripture Lady