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Growing in the Knowledge of God – A Bible Activity About the Trinity

Are your children growing in the knowledge of God and who He is? Do they know He is the triune God – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit? Here is a fun Bible activity to play with your kids to help them learn about some basic characteristics of the Trinity.

I am getting ready to debut my newest program called, “God’s Beautiful Garden.” In this program, I will be introducing a fun Bible game about growing in the knowledge of God.

It’s important that our children know that God is a triune God made up of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. This Bible activity will help them learn about three different characteristics for each Person of the trinity.

Here’s how to play “Growing in the Knowledge of God”:

For this Bible game you will need to create 3 large “seed” packets. You can use 3 large mailing envelopes and add pretty flowers to the front of them. Try to make each “seed packet” look different. You should also add the title of “GOD” on the front of each one.

Next, gather the following 3 sets of pictures:

For God the Father – a picture of creation, a picture of a heart, and a picture of the word “sin” with a big “X” over it

For God the Son – a picture of Baby Jesus in a manger, a picture of Jesus on the Cross, a picture of Jesus with His disciples

For God the Holy Spirit – a picture of a dove, a picture of some fruit, a picture of a road divided, which will signify how the Holy Spirit leads us and guides us.

You will also want to gather or create some pictures that represent each Person of the trinity. For God the Father, I often use a picture of a bright and beautiful cloud. For Jesus, I just use a nice picture of Him as a man. For the Holy Spirit, I usually use a picture of a dove.

Before playing “Growing in the Knowledge of God”:

Place one set of pictures in each of the “seed packets.” Place the pictures that represent God in His 3 forms nearby on a table or on a pocket chart for all the children to see.

Say the following to introduce this Bible activity:

Raise your hand if you’ve ever planted some seeds to make some flowers grow. (Wait for responses.) It’s fun to work in a garden. It’s fun to get your hands dirty and to dig a hole for your seeds to fall into. And it’s fun to water the ground knowing that in just a few days or so, you will get to see your flowers grow. 

Watching things grow in a garden is fun. But flowers aren’t the only things that grow. Did you know that you are growing? I am sure your families love watching you grow.

Your moms and dads and grandmas and grandpas are watching you grow taller and smarter.

I love watching you grow in God. Growing in your knowledge of God is very important. But how do you grow in God? Well….you’ve got to plant some seeds!

“What kinds of seeds?” you may ask.

The seeds of God’s Word, the Bible. Each time you read the Bible, you get the opportunity to grow in your knowledge of God and who He is. This is what we are going to do today.

I have here 3 “seed packets.” Inside each of these “seed packets” are pictures to help us learn more about who God is. I’ve gathered these pictures from truths that I’ve learned about in the Bible.

The Bible says that God is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We call this the Trinity. I have 3 pictures here that will help us think of each the 3 ways that we can know God. (Point to 3 pictures of God.)

I would like someone to come up and pick one of our seed packets and pull out a “seed” or picture to help us discover which Person of the trinity we can grow in our knowledge about.

At this point, you will have a child pick a “seed packet” and let them take out a picture. Let the class guess who in the trinity the picture refers to. Take time to expound on each of the pictures and their meanings, but don’t linger too long on each picture. You want to keep the momentum of the activity moving forward and have it be a fun experience for all.

That’s it! this will definitely be a fun way for your children to grow in their knowledge of God.

Click HERE to learn another fun Bible game about growing in God! It’s called “GROW Circles.”

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